View Migrating Birds of Prey
Orem -- You can view and learn more about eagles, hawks and other
migrating birds of prey on Sept. 30, during Utah's annual Raptor Watch Day.
Viewing on Sept. 30 will take place from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Orem Overlook along Squaw Peak Road, east of Orem. Squaw Peak Road can be reached from the Provo Canyon Road. To reach the Provo Canyon Road, exit I-15 at Exit 275 and travel eastbound on 800 N. in Orem.
Raptor Watch Day is hosted annually by the Division of Wildlife Resources.
"Fall colors will flirt with the eye, the temperature at our high elevation watch site should be crisp and, with any luck, clear skies will offer up-close glimpses of harriers, vultures, eagles, hawks and falcons as they continue their annual fall migration to the south," says Bob Walters, Watchable Wildlife coordinator for the DWR.
"Experts will be available to help people identify passing birds of prey and to answer any questions they might have about raptor migration," Walters says. "This year's Raptor Watch Day should be one of the best opportunities of the year to spend some time relaxing and watching raptors." For more information, call Walters at (801) 538-4771.
Drive for Color
Fall colors are popping all around northern Utah right now. It is always pretty up there along Skyline Drive, where the aspen and pine forest gives way to high mountain meadows and clear, bluewater lakes, but the scenery is stunning right now. Aspen trees are aglow with a golden sheen, birch leaves are blazing orange-brown and oaks have ignited in shades of red.
Hwy 31 from Fairview to Huntington is part of the Energy Loop: Huntington & Eccles Canyons National Scenic Byways. It is an excellent route to view fall foliage.
Our other scenic byways are also good choices for fall drives. It looks like fall colors will peak in the northern Utah high country during the first week of October. The routes listed below will all provide great scenery:
Logan Canyon: Hwy 89 snakes north and east from Logan, following the Logan River and its wide assortment of foliage. The colors are vivid and varied - this is one of America's great fall drives.
Ogden River: Hwy 39 follows the Ogden River east past Pineview Reservoir and nearby Eden, and then along the river's South Fork. Deer, elk, moose and other animals are commonly seen along this drive - a bonus to the intense colors.
Alpine Loop: Hwy 92 loops around the east side of Mt Timpanogos, past Sundance Resort, through a beautiful forest of varied colors.
Provo Canyon: Foliage along Hwy 189 is always beautiful, with the Provo River and Bridal Veil Falls serving as backdrops.
Mirror Lake: Hwy 150 runs from Kamas to Evanston, through lush forests, over High Uinta Mountains, and past several small lakes. It is beautiful country year-round, and very scenic during the fall.
Nebo Loop: The Loop Road climbs over the east side of Mt Nebo, reaching elevations over 8,000 feet, through a beautiful forest full of color. The Payson Lakes and Devil's Kitchen areas provide interesting contrasts.
Flaming Gorge-Uintas: Hwy 191 skirts the edge of the Uinta Mountains and Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area, providing enthralling views in every direction. The forest here is ablaze with color.
When colors begin to fade in the north, southern Utah foliage will be coming on strong. Byways in southern Utah put on fall attire during mid and later October.
Our fall colors tour provides more info on these and other great drives.
This is a great time for a road trip along Utah's scenic byways.
Get Your Hands Dirty and Help Keep Your Public Lands Clean for Utah on September 30
In conjunction with this yearb s National Public Landb s Day Events, the Bureau of Land Management is seeking volunteers to help with trash pickup, tree-planting and other projects at the Three Peaks Recreation Area.
On September 30, at 10 a.m., volunteers will meet at the Three Peaks Pavilion for sign-up, and from there will set out in teams to work on projects in pre-determined areas of need within the Greater Three Peaks Recreation Area.
T-shirts, snacks and refreshments will provided, along with a free token for one Fee Free day on your participating public lands, while they last. There will also be a free pancake breakfast at 9 a.m. in the Three Peaks Pavilion for early-risers. For more information on this event, please call
National Public Land's Day is the largest coast-to-coast, single day volunteer restoration effort for Americab s public lands. In 2005, nearly 90,000 volunteers across the nation built trails and bridges, planted trees and plants, and removed trash and invasive plants. Join us Saturday, September 30, 2006 for the 13th annual National Public Lands Day and help us care for our land.
Teasel Craft Day September 30
The Rock Cliff Nature Center at Jordanelle State Park has set one day aside for visitors to come and collect teasel.
Teasel is very aggressive and is invading the native plants at Rock Cliff.
Come on Free State Parks Day and help us free Rock Cliff's wildlife of teasel.
Teasel's unusual, yet attractive flower head has led to its use in flower arrangements and in the craft trade. On Sept 30 bring the family and join the Naturalist for some collecting and craft projects using teasel. For more information please call (435)782-3030
Fall programs at Rock Cliff
Sept 30, 06 Rock Cliff Nature Center/ Jordanelle State Park Francis
Free State Parks Day: Join us from 11am- 2pm for a day of collecting teasel and making fall crafts. For more information, please call (435) 782-3030.
Oct 21, 06 Rock Cliff Nature Center/ Jordanelle State Park - Francis
Halloween program: Bats and other nocturnal animals are not as scary as you think. Come to the Nature Center from 1-3 pm and learn cool facts about bats, play batty games and take home a batty craft. For more information, please call (435) 782-3030
FAIRFIELD - Camp Floyd State Park in conjunction with the Utah Civil War Association and the Town of Fairfield will
host Camp Floyd Day September 30, 2006 at Camp Floyd State Park. The event is Fairfield's annual town celebration
and comes to life with re-enactors, encampments, storytelling, stagecoach rides, skirmishes and more. Activities begin
at 10:00 a.m. and go through 5:00 p.m.
Camp Floyd Day celebrates the history of Johnston's Army and the influence it had on Utah and the Civil War history.
Established in 1858, Camp Floyd was the largest military installation then in the United States. The army was sent to
Utah to put down a Mormon Rebellion, which never took place. The army was recalled in 1861 with the outbreak of the
Civil War.
The event is free and open to the public. Camp Floyd State Park also
celebrates Free State Parks Day on September 30th. The park will be
waiving all admission fees to the Camp Floyd Museum and
Stagecoach Inn for this event. Special fees for certain activities still
apply. Camp Floyd State Park is located in the town of Fairfield,
Utah, 22 miles southwest of Lehi on Highway 73. For more
information, contact the park at: 801-768-8932.
Times and activities for the event will be as follows:
10:00 a.m. - Utah Civil War Association Drill and March.
10:15 a.m. - Public to Drill and March with the Utah Civil War Association.
10:45 a.m. - Battle / Skirmish
11:15 a.m. - Musket Rifle Shoot
12:00 p.m. - Lunch (Food Concession Available)
12:30 p.m. - Hear the story of Camp Floyd
1:00 p.m. - Play time period games
2:00 p.m. - Stagecoach Rides, Candle Making, Spin Toy Making
3:00 p.m. - Public to Drill and March with the Utah Civil War Association.
3:30 p.m. - Musket Rifle Shoot
4:00 p.m. - Battle / Skirmish
4:30 p.m. - Time Period Medical Display
Dusk - Fireworks Display at the Camp Floyd Cemetery
New Web Site Provides Utah*s Latest Fishing Information
In addition to some of the year*s best trout fishing, Utah*s anglers have another reason to be excited this fall-Division of
Wildlife Resources biologists are providing the latest fishing information, for more than 80 of Utah*s best fishing
waters, through a new, interactive Web site.
In addition to the DWR*s weekly fishing report (available at ), anglers
can now receive information through the DWR*s new *Utah Fishing Hotspot Locator* site. is the address for the new hotspots site.
*The new site provides anglers with features they won*t find on our regular fishing page,* says Roger Wilson, sport
fisheries coordinator for the DWR. *One of its best features is the ability to glance at the page and immediately know
where the best fishing is.
*The site also allows you to search for the best fishing in Utah based on how fast anglers are catching fish, the species of
fish you*re after or the type of water you want to fish.*
Wilson says the DWR was able to launch the site just in time for the fall fishing season, which is one of the best times of
the year to fish for trout in Utah.
*As the water gets cooler in the fall, the trout come out of the deeper water and move close to the water*s surface and
into the shallows. That makes it easier for both shore and boat anglers to catch them,* Wilson says. *Trout also feed
actively in the fall, which also makes it easier for anglers to catch them.
*A lot of anglers give up too soon,* Wilson says. *If you don*t mind some cool weather, you can have great fishing
clear through the month of November.*
365-Day License
If you haven*t bought your fishing license yet, you*ll get your money*s worth when you buy one this fall.
Fishing licenses in Utah are now 365-day licenses that are good for 365 days from the day you buy one. For example, if
you buy a license on Oct. 1, 2006, the license is valid until Sept. 30, 2007.
*In the past, you only got to use your license for a few months if you bought it in the fall,* Wilson says. *Now you can
buy a license in the fall and use it during the winter, spring and summer too.*
For more information, call the nearest Division of Wildlife Resources office or the DWR*s Salt Lake City office at (801)
Elk Tags Still Available
Hunters who would like to hunt big game in Utah this fall might want to set their sights on a bull elk.
All of the deer hunting permits that were still available for hunts in Utah sold out on Sept. 25, but plenty of general rifle
and general muzzleloader bull elk permits were still available.
Division of Wildlife Resources officials expect the permits to sell fast, though, so if you want to hunt bull elk in Utah
this fall, you should get your permit as soon as possible.
The general rifle bull elk hunt begins
Oct. 7 on both spike elk only units
and any bull elk units. The spike bull
hunt ends Oct. 15 and the any bull
hunt ends Oct. 19.
Hunters who buy a spike bull elk
permit may hunt only on spike only
units. Hunters who buy an any bull
elk unit permit may hunt only on any
bull elk units.
A map that shows Utah*s spike bull elk units and any bull elk units is available on page 48 of the 2006 Utah Big Game
Proclamation ( ).
On Sept. 25, permits were also available for the general spike bull elk and any bull elk muzzleloader seasons. Both
muzzleloader seasons run Nov. 1 - 9.
For more information, call the nearest Division of Wildlife Resources office or the DWR*s Salt Lake City office at (801)
Fall Fishing: A Great Opportunity Most Anglers Miss
Most experienced anglers smile when October arrives and they see other anglers putting their fishing poles away. They
know they*ll have fewer anglers to compete as they get out and enjoy some of the best fishing of the year.
Trout usually get more active in the fall, providing Utah*s anglers with some excellent fishing.
Fall Is The Time for Brown Trout
Trout like colder waters. As day and nighttime temperatures dip into the 50s, water temperatures on the surface of the
water cool to the range that trout prefer. These cooler surface temperatures bring trout out of the deeper water and into
the shallows, where they can actively search for food. Having trout near the surface of the water and in the shallows
allows both shore and boat anglers to reach them without special equipment, such as downriggers and weighted lines.
Brown trout in particular become vulnerable to anglers in the fall because they usually spawn in October. (Rainbow and
cutthroat trout are generally spring and early summer spawners.)
In the fall, brown trout come out of deeper waters in lakes, reservoirs and larger rivers to find gravel beds in streams or
creeks in which they can spawn. A quick look at a map should be enough to tell the savvy angler where to cast his line.
That*s right-look for the inlet. Browns will be moving into the stream or canal that feeds the lake or reservoir. Also look
for waterfalls or other obstructions the fish can*t pass through, and then try fishing the pools beneath the obstructions.
As the brown trout move into the streams, they often turn aggressive and will take a wide range of flies, lures or baits-if
they*re presented correctly. One technique is to flip a
spinner or spoon into the upstream portion of a pool, and
then reel it downstream as fast as possible. This
technique is effective because it doesn*t give the trout
time to figure out that the sudden flash isn*t a minnow or
something else that*s good to eat.
Presenting a muddler minnow along the bottom is
another good technique for experienced anglers who can
imitate the sculpin found in many of Utah*s mountain streams.
Don*t forget salmon eggs or egg imitations either. When
a fish is spawning, other fish move in to feed. Eggs that
aren*t well hidden become easy snacks.
Anglers should try to match the size and color of the eggs in the water in which they*re fishing. They can then place one
or two eggs on a hook, that match the size and color of the eggs in the stream, and let them drift into the pools, riffles and
overhangs where the fish are likely hiding. If you can*t match the size exactly, go with a larger-sized egg (even fish like
a juicy meal)!
As October ends, browns return to the lakes and reservoirs, but you can still take them. You*ll often find these fish and
other trout cruising the shorelines, looking for the last of the insects and other terrestrial foods that are still available. As
the water gets colder, try fishing areas that have structures, such as rockslides, underwater mounds or ridges. Also, slow
your presentation down or use baits. Trout are cold blooded and will not be as active as they are when the water is
warmer. Slower presentations, and using baits near structures, are techniques that work well for ice anglers too.
As the water temperature gets colder in the mountain streams, anglers can switch to fishing springs and tailwater
fisheries (areas below large dams). The water temperature in these areas is usually warmer, and the fish may be more active.
365-Day License
Concerned about buying a license that allows you to fish for only a short time? That changed in December 2005 with the
introduction in Utah of the 365-day fishing license. Not only can you enjoy some great fishing this fall, you can enjoy
great ice fishing this winter and excellent fishing next spring and summer.
Women's Pheasant Hunt
Brigham City -- Dogs will point and pheasants will fly at an upcoming Ladies Pheasant Hunt.
Sponsored by the Division of Wildlife Resources *Becoming an Outdoors Woman* program, the hunt will be held Oct.
28 at the Let the Good Times Fly pheasant outfitter in White Valley north of Brigham City.
The hunt is limited to the first 15 women who register by Oct. 20. The cost to participate is $107. Women can register, or
receive more information, by calling Sherry Gittins at (801) 969-1564 in the evenings.
*If you*ve always wanted to give pheasant hunting a try, or you*ve been pheasant hunting before and just want to have a
great experience, you won*t want to miss this hunt,* says Jill West, volunteer program coordinator for the DWR. *Five
professional guides with trained hunting dogs will lead the group, and plenty of pheasants will be available.*
Because Let the Good Times Fly is a private hunting outfitter that supplies its own birds, a hunting license is not required
to participate.
For safety reasons, participants must wear something orange. Women must also bring a shotgun and shotgun shells with
number 6 shot (lead-free shot is preferred, but is not required).
The day will begin with a short hunting dog demonstration, after which Kati Jo Rhodes, co-owner of Let the Good Times
Fly, will share with the women how she got involved in upland game hunting.
After the presentation, the group of 15 women will go afield. Each woman can take up to three birds, and lunch will be
provided after the hunt.
Ladies Handgun Classes set
Terry Tate will be instructing 2 handgun classes at Lee Kay for ladies.
Sept. 30 Noon to 6:00 pm Beginning Handgun Class
This class is for the lady who has never handled a handgun, who is unfamiliar with handguns and would like to become more comfortable with handguns. Terry will teach the basics, ie, safety, loading, unloading, revolvers, semi-autos, cleaning and marksmanship. There will be time on the range to shoot.
Oct. 7 Noon to 6:00 pm Concealed Carry Handgun Class
This class is for the lady who would like to get a concealed carry permit. Students should be familiar and comfortable with a handgun or have taken the beginning handgun class. The class will give ladies the classroom, legal and range experience to apply to BCCI for a concealed carry permit.
Terry Tate will instruct these classes. He is an NRA Certified instructor and is highly qualified. He is trying to keep the cost down. He thinks they will cost around $20-$25 each. That is a real bargain.
Call Terry Tate at 801-963-8864 for more details and to sign up.
Red Cliffs recording artist BRENN HILL headlines a concert at the Celebration
Center in Logan on Friday, October 6 to benefit the GiddyUp Go Special Needs
Riding Program. The award-winning Utah singer-songwriter will
perform a solo acoustic program featuring material from his five album catalog
and spotlight songs from his current Red Cliffs Press CD, ENDANGERED.
Hill, who is thirty years old and lives in Hooper, Utah, has been called "the
future of cowboy music." Billboard magazine says, "Hill is a bridge between
western music's best traditions and the future of the genre as cowboys and
cowboy singers evolve with the changing times."
Hill's career continues to grow. He has five albums and numerous music
industry awards and accolades to his credit. In July, 2004, Hill was named Male
Vocalist of the Year by the Academy of Western Artists at the association's
annual celebration in Fort Worth, Texas. In 2005 Hill had three AWA
nominations: Album of the Year for ENDANGERED; Song of the Year for
Buckaroo Tattoo; and repeat recognition in the Top Male Vocalist category. In
the past, Hill has been named "Rising Star" by both the Western Music
Association and the Academy of Western Artists. He is
currently in the studio at work on his next CD, which is slated for release later
this year and tentatively titled WHAT A MAN'S GOTTA DO.
The GiddyUp Go Special Needs Riding Program is a non-profit program that provides horseback riding opportunities
and therapy for underprivileged, handicapped or special needs children. The Celebration Center is located at 1903 South
800 West in Logan, Utah. Doors open at 7:00pm with the Willow Valley Boys opening the show at 7:30pm. Tickets are
priced at $10.00 per person or $30.00 for a family of four. For more information, contact the Celebration Center at (435)
More can be learned about Brenn Hill at his website, .
Fire Restrictions to be lifted in Southwest Utah, Arizona Strip Friday
St. George, Utah - Color Country Fire Management officials will lift fire restrictions in southwestern Utah and the
Arizona Strip beginning Friday, September 29 at 12:01 a.m.
Recent rainfall and lower temperatures in southwestern Utah and on the Arizona Strip have reduced the risk of wildland
fires enough to allow the restrictions to be rescinded.
In Utah, this includes restrictions against campfires and smoking in all of Washington, Kane, Garfield and Iron counties,
and Beaver County west of I-15. This also includes fire restrictions in Zion and Bryce Canyon National Parks and the
Dixie National Forest.
In Arizona, this includes restrictions on campfires and smoking on all BLM-administered lands on the Arizona Strip,
including the Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument and the Vermilion Cliffs National Monument. It also
includes the National Park Service administered lands in the Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument.
"Even though the fire danger has decreased, there is still potential for fire activity," said BLM Arizona Strip Field
Manager Becky Hammond. "We are continuing to urge people to be extremely careful with fire."
Utah Rivers Council Events
Looking to enjoy our rivers this fall? Come cleanup the Provo, canoe on the Jordan, or hike the Logan! The third annual Provo River Cleanup will be held this Saturday, September 30, and the final Jordan River canoe trip of the season will be on Wednesday, October 4. Additionally, an easy day hike on the Riverside Nature Trail will be held this Sunday, October 1. See below for details.
Happenings at the Council:
Third Annual Provo River Cleanup: Join Utah Rivers Council and numerous volunteers on September 30 for the third annual Provo River Cleanup! For the past two years, the Council has gathered numerous volunteers to help clean up the banks and trail along the beloved Provo River. Help us to bring more volunteers than ever together for this event once more. RSVP's aren't required, but appreciated so we may accommodate all participants. Service groups welcome! To sign up, contact Lisa at 801-486-4776 or
Alternatives to damming and diverting the Bear River: Last week Friends read about the Alternatives to Developing Bear River Water report the Council authored. Since its release, a number of media outlets have interviewed Council staff and reported on the analysis the Council conducted to proposed alternatives to damming and diverting the Bear River for future water supply. The Davis County Clipper, Logan Herald Journal, Ogden Standard-Examiner, and KCPW are just some of the places you can find articles. Click here to read the full Alternatives to Developing Bear River Water analysis.
Canoe the Jordan River: The Council's ever popular Jordan River canoe trips wrap up this fall on October 4. Join the Council on a "new members" canoe float down the Jordan for a $20 donation per seat ($10 for those ages 4-10). Your donation includes a year-long membership with the Council. Already a member? Give your donation and receive a gift membership for a friend! For more information and to reserve your place, contact Lisa at 801-486-4776 or To view the Council's additional fall Explore series outing opportunities, visit . Thanks to REI for donating boats and paddles!
Bear River canoe trip a success: Last weekend, a number of Utahns joined the Council in a wonderful trip down the Bear to learn more about threats to the northern Utah gem and what the Council is doing to protect it. Read the Salt Lake Tribune article that recaps the trip and has wonderful photos of the fun afternoon. Interested in joining the Council on a canoe trip? Call 801-486-4776 or email Sarah at to sign up for the last trip of the fall on the Jordan River - see above for details.
Hike the Riverside Nature Trail: Welcome fall on a free morning hike along the beautiful Logan River this Sunday, October 1. Witness the changing of leaves, enjoy the cooler temperatures of the canyon, and catch the last glimpses of nature before winter. Space is limited, so make your reservations now! Contact Sarah at or 801-486-4776.
Water for Las Vegas: Controversy continues regarding the Southern Nevada Water Authority's (SNWA) proposal to pipe water from an aquifer in the Snake Valley down to Las Vegas. The Snake Valley lies 200 miles to the north of Vegas, and spreads across the Nevada-Utah border. Concern about the effects the project will have on the water table, wells, and springs in the Snake Valley region has not been alleviated, despite the fact that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Bureau of Land Management, the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the National Park Service recently withdrew their protests to the proposal after SNWA agreed to set up a monitoring system for groundwater in the area. Opponents are concerned the monitoring won't address what could be irreparable damage to the water table and the surrounding environment. Read details on the monitoring proposal and more information on a resolution to improve public participation in the debate in the Deseret News.
In-stream water rights for sewage treatment plants: The Utah State Legislature's Water Issues Task Force has begun the process to propose a bill that would allow sewage treatment plants to own in-stream flow rights. Treatment plants cite that owning flow rights allows them to not be restricted to tighter standards, which often comes with expensive upgrades to plant equipment. With in-stream flow rights, a treatment plant would be guaranteed enough water in the river or stream to dilute the pollution discharged so that it meets water quality standards. Read more details in the Deseret News.
Existing dam on the Bear River removed: Cove Dam near Grace, Idaho is in the process of being removed from the Bear River. Pacificorp, owners of the dam, made the decision to remove the structure due to deterioration and the fact that it is no longer functioning as a hydroelectric dam. Cove Dam is the smallest of four dams on the Bear River, and the Council continues to work to prevent new dams and diversions from being built on Bear just south of the Idaho border in Utah. Read the article in the Deseret News for more information.
New species of duck added to Utah's mercury advisory list: The cinnamon teal has been added to Utah's toxic-mercury advisory list, joining the goldeneye and the shoveler. The mercury advisory list contains species of waterfowl that hunters are advised to not eat or eat in limited quantities due to high levels of toxic mercury that are found in the ducks. For more information, read the article in the Salt Lake Tribune.
This message is a service of Utah Rivers Council, generously hosted by Aros.Net. Information included on the Friends of Utah Rivers Council list is strictly monitored by the list administrator. We post a compilation of news and events two times per month; if you would like to submit information or an event to be considered for posting on this list, please send it by the first and third Monday of the month to . This list is restricted from outside postings.
Fishing Forecast from Lake Powell
By: Wayne Gustaveson September 28, 2006
Lake Elevation: 3601 Water Temperature: 69-71 F
Adult stripers have escaped from the cold water prison they have occupied all summer. The quick temperature drop last
week let them come up to chase food fish hiding in shallow water. Bass have responded in much the same way. They are
in the mood to chase down an easy meal which means they will follow a lure a long distance before striking. Game fish
are "looking up" which means they will come up to the surface from deep water to attack a lure. That is good news to
anglers who can catch fish steadily all day long.
The best lures to use on fish of this temperament are surface walkers and poppers. Shallow running crankbaits and jerk baits are effective, as are spinner baits. Spoons bounced on bottom will wake a resting school and draw fish toward the surface. All of these techniques are effective and could be alternated at each fishing spot.
Stripers alternate between lying on the bottom at 50-70 feet and running to the back of the cove in search of food. Some boils have been seen but it is a small flurry with only a few fish. It is more common for stripers to come to the surface individually or in small groups to attack a lure, much like bass fishing. Casting surface lures to the cove or shoreline each morning and evening, results in steady striper catching.
When topwater lures don't work, pull the boat out of the cove to deeper water and use spoons or anchovies on deep resting schools. Bait and spoons are easily the most effective way to catch large numbers of fish. Spooning works best in low light conditions while bait fishing is effective all day long.
In the southern lake striper hotspots include Warm Creek at main channel entrance, Padre Canyon mouth, and the back of main Rock Creek. Further north, try the entrance to Lake Canyon and the dome rock in the back of Bullfrog Bay near the houseboat field.
Bass fishing has really perked up with lots of fish guarding outside points. They wait in packs for bait fish so topwater and shallow crank baits are the ticket. When bass are not on the points drop green grubs along the ledges and breaks from 10-20 feet for fast fishing for nice sized bass.
Current fishing success resembles the peak of spring time fishing with steady catching of aggressive fish. The difference this time of year is warmer water and weather which makes it a pleasant experience for the angler.
October 2 - November 4 Iron Mission State Park Museum - Cedar City
Art exhibit by Katie Beckstead. For more information, please call (435) 586-9290.
October 7 Antelope Island State Park-Syracuse
Full Moon Hike: Join the park naturalist at the Buffalo Point Trailhead at dusk for a night hike. Participants should dress for the weather conditions, bring plenty of water, and sturdy shoes. Pre-registration is required by October 6. For more information or to register, please call (801) 721-9569.
October 6 Goblin Valley State Park - Green River
Discover Goblin Valley: Join park staff for an evening walk through the goblins beginning at 7:30 p.m. at the Observation Point shelter. Find out how the goblins came to be, and who lurks around in the night! For more information, please call (435) 564-3633.
October 7 Goblin Valley State Park - Green River
Junior Ranger Program: Who lives here? Learn about the wildlife that calls Goblin Valley home. Find out what it might be like to live in the desert. Meet at 9:30 a.m. at the Observation Point shelter. This program is geared to children six to 12, but everyone is invited. Become a Junior Ranger and earn a Junior Ranger badge! For more information, please call (435) 564-3633.
October 7 Goblin Valley State Park - Green River
Lifestyles of the Dry and Dusty: What do a desert bighorn sheep, a midget faded rattlesnake, and a prickly pear cactus all have in common? They're all guests on Goblin Valley's very own talk show! Sit back and enjoy this theater program or be part of the show! Meet at the amphitheater at 7:30 p.m. For more information, please call (435) 564-3633.
October 5, 12, 19, 26 Edge of the Cedars State Park Museum - Blanding
Children's Story Hour: Join park staff for a children's story hour from 4 - 5 p.m. Children of all ages are invited to participate. Nidia Mendoza reads fun children's' stories with holiday themes. Free for all kids! No registration required. For more information, please call (435) 678-2238.
October 7 Wasatch Mountain State Park - Midway
Fall Nature Trail Hike: Join park staff on this 2.6-mile round trip hike along the Pine Creek Nature Trail. Learn about the different plants, why leaves change color, and what animals are doing to prepare for winter. Hike begins at 5:30 pm at the campground office. For more information call (435) 654-1791.
Utah Tourism Board Approves Marketing Expenditure to Promote European Flight
Salt Lake City - The Utah Office of Tourism is supporting a statewide effort in Utah's business community to attract a direct flight from Salt Lake City to Paris, France on Delta Air Lines. Meeting in a conference call, the Utah Board of Tourism Development voted unanimously to allocate $250,000 from the Tourism Marketing Performance Fund to promote a potential Salt Lake City flight to Europe on Delta, which has a hub in Salt Lake City.
"This could really boost international visitation to Utah and Salt Lake City is the perfect gateway to Utah's five national parks and 13 world-class ski resorts, "said Leigh von der Esch, managing director of the Utah Office of Tourism. "The state funding is contingent on the Salt Lake City direct flight being in place to Europe."
"Down the road this could really turn into something significant for us," said Kim McClelland, chairman of the tourism board who believes Utah should sell its strengths including national parks and skiing to European visitors. The board acknowledged that the Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport is a hub for international travel, providing service to other major overseas destinations.
The Office of Tourism will partner with the Salt Lake Convention and Visitors Bureau and the Salt Lake City International Airport to develop a marketing plan to boost economic development and bring more international visitors from Europe to Utah. The state agency will also provide international outreach by conducting familiarization tours for media and tour operators, as well as attending targeted trade shows.
Utah Wildlife Board Meeting
Thursday, October 5, 2006 * 9:00 A.M.
DNR Auditorium, 1594 W. North Temple, SLC
1. Approval of Agenda ACTION
* Dr. Jim Bowns, Chair
2. Approval of Minutes ACTION
* Dr. Bowns
3. Action Log/Old Business CONTINGENT
* Dick Diamond, Board Vice-Chair
* Jim Karpowitz, DWR Director
5. Proposed Fee Changes for FY 2008 ACTION
* Greg Sheehan, DWR Administrative Services Chief
6. Turkey Hunting Guide, Rule & Permit #s ACTION
* Dean Mitchell, DWR Upland Game Program Coordinator
7. Fishing Guide & Rule ACTION
* Roger Wilson, DWR Sport Fish Program Coordinator
8. Commercial Harvesting of Brine Shrimp & Eggs Rule R657-52 ACTION
* Roger Wilson
9. Least Chub Introduction ACTION * Michael Mills, CR Native Aquatics Biologist
10. Big Game Informational Presentation INFORMATION
* Dr. Craig McLaughlin, DWR Big Game Program Coordinator
11. Proposed Elk Plan Revisions INFORMATION
* Dr. McLaughlin
12. Other Business (Henry Mtns. Bison Permits) ACTION
* Dr. Bowns
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, anyone needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) should contact Steve Phillips at 801-538-4718 at least five working days before the meeting.
PRICE-The Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR) in Price is seeking information
regarding the injury and death of an osprey east of the town of Lawrence in Emery
County. This bird had been frequenting the power poles in the Buffalo Benches area
near Lawrence. The body was recovered on Saturday, September 16th.
Ospreys are birds of prey which are normally associated with large lakes and reservoirs. Ospreys feed on fish, and are the only raptor which hovers over the water and plunges into it feet-first. Ospreys are protected under federal and state law.
Anyone with information about this bird's injury or death is asked to call Lieutenant Carl Gramlich at 435-820-6011 or the Help Stop Poaching hotline at: 1-800-662-DEER. Callers may remain confidential and any information would be greatly appreciated.
Families Afield Reaches 11 States, Million Potential Mentors
NEWTOWN, Fall hunting seasons are barely underway. But for a trio of hunter advocacy groups, 2006 is already being remembered as a trophy year.
The "trophy" is actually a collection of recent legislative and regulatory successes creating new opportunities for families to hunt together. Across 11 states, about 5 million licensed hunters?more than a third of the U.S. total?now have more opportunities than ever to introduce their sons, daughters or other newcomers to the sport.
"Perhaps never before have so many potential mentors, all within a relatively short time frame, enjoyed such a variety of new freedoms to share their passion for hunting," said Doug Painter, president of the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF).The new laws followed the launch of Families Afield, an initiative of NSSF, the National Wild Turkey Federation and U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance.
The three groups were galvanized in 2004 by research that forecasts state-by-state trends in hunter numbers. Nationally, for every 100 adult hunters who are active today, only 69 youth hunters are coming up to replace them. Some states are faring better, but many are faring worse. The research found a strong corollary between low hunter recruitment rates and laws that restrict youth from participating.
Laws such as minimum age restrictions and coursework mandates can be relaxed without compromising safety, statistics show.
Families Afield encourages states to eliminate these legal barriers for new hunters. Here's a roundup of the 11 states that have taken up that challenge so far.
Florida (178,399 licensed hunters, 1.2 percent of U.S. total)?Created a supervised hunting program that permits a newcomer to hunt with a mentor for one year before completion of a hunter education course.
Illinois (306,588 licensed hunters, 2.2 percent of U.S. total)?Created an apprentice hunting license that permits experienced hunters to take newcomers age 10 and higher hunting for one year before completion of a hunter education course.
Kansas (200,112 licensed hunters, 1.4 percent of U.S. total)?Now permits newcomers under 16 to hunt with a mentor before completion of a hunter education course.
Louisiana (273,648 licensed hunters, 1.9 percent of U.S. total)?Created an apprentice hunting license that permits experienced hunters to take newcomers age 16 and higher hunting for one year before completion of a hunter education course.
Michigan (870,473 licensed hunters, 5.6 percent of U.S. total)?Lowered the minimum hunting age for small game from 12 to 10, and for big game from 14 to 12. Also created an apprentice hunting license that permits experienced hunters to take newcomers age 10 and higher hunting before completion of a hunter education course.
Minnesota (577,735 licensed hunters, 3.9 percent of U.S. total)?Now permits new turkey hunters to hunt with a mentor before completing a hunter education course.
Mississippi (244,316 licensed hunters, 1.6 percent of U.S. total)?Created an apprentice hunting license that permits experienced hunters to take newcomers hunting at any age for one year before completion of a hunter education course.
Ohio (433,238 licensed hunters, 3.0 percent of U.S. total)?Created an apprentice hunting license that permits experienced hunters to take newcomers hunting for no more than three years at any age before completion of a hunter education course.
Pennsylvania (1,029,660 licensed hunters, 6.9 percent of U.S. total)?Created a mentored youth hunting program that permits experienced hunters to take newcomers hunting at any age for deer, turkey and groundhogs before completion of a hunter education course.
Tennessee (688,338 licensed hunters, 4.9 percent of U.S. total)?Created a program that exempts newcomers age 10 and higher from hunter education requirements for one year.
Utah (161,433 licensed hunters, 1.0 percent of U.S. total)?Eliminated the age minimum for turkey, upland and small game hunting.
Families Afield States | ||
Since the launch of Families Afield, | ||
about 5 million hunters have seen | ||
additional opportunities to enjoy hunting | ||
with their young sons and daughters. | ||
State | Percentage of Total U.S. Hunting Lic. Holders (2004) | Average Paid Hunting Lic. Holders (2000-04) |
FL | 1.2% | 178,399 |
IL | 2.2% | 306,588 |
KS | 1.4% | 200,112 |
LA | 1.9% | 273,648 |
MI | 5.6% | 870,473 |
MN | 3.9% | 577,735 |
MS | 1.6% | 244,316 |
OH | 3.0% | 433,238 |
PA | 6.9% | 1,029,660 |
TN | 4.9% | 688,338 |
UT | 1.0% | 161,433 |
TOTAL | 33.6% | 4,963,940 |
Least Restrictive Hunting States | ||
State | Percentage of Total U.S. Hunting Lic. Holders (2004) | Average Paid Hunting Lic. Holders (2000-04) |
AK | 0.7% | 97,125 |
AL | 1.8% | 272,228 |
AR | 2.6% | 392,615 |
GA | 2.1% | 329,942 |
IA | 1.9% | 268,060 |
MO | 3.3% | 519,314 |
NC | 3.0% | 427,048 |
NH | 0.4% | 68,737 |
OK | 2.3% | 327,315 |
TX | 7.3% | 1,029,048 |
VT | 0.6% | 93,308 |
WA | 1.3% | 202,752 |
WV | 1.7% | 271,593 |
TOTAL | 29.0% | 4,299,085 |
More Restrictive Hunting States | ||
State | Percentage of Total U.S. Hunting Lic. Holders (2004) | Average Paid Hunting Lic. Holders (2000-04) |
AZ | 1.2% | 187,060 |
CA | 2.1% | 315,051 |
CO | 2.2% | 313,023 |
CT | 0.4% | 57,286 |
DE | 0.1% | 20,467 |
HI | 0.1% | 8,751 |
ID | 1.7% | 247,664 |
IN | 2.1% | 279,417 |
KY | 2.4% | 349,996 |
MA | 0.5% | 65,108 |
MD | 0.8% | 128,682 |
ME | 1.4% | 202,447 |
MT | 1.6% | 251,210 |
ND | 1.0% | 137,983 |
NE | 1.1% | 176,008 |
NJ | 0.6% | 84,749 |
NM | 0.7% | 109,234 |
NV | 0.4% | 60,534 |
NY | 4.2% | 671,287 |
OR | 1.9% | 298,213 |
RI | 0.1% | 10,902 |
SC | 1.4% | 259,698 |
SD | 1.6% | 220,279 |
VA | 2.1% | 313,462 |
WI | 4.9% | 732,881 |
WY | 0.8% | 139,698 |
TOTAL | 37.4% | 5,641,090 |
New Marine Technology that Helps Fight Against Chemicals in Wood
Three years ago Crane Materials International(CMI) launched a new product called TimberGuard. TimberGuard is more of an advanced process than a product where marine piles and timbers are fully encapsulated through a machine. The technology isn't new, because piles have been wrapped for years, but the old method fails because metal bands and staples corrode over time. The idea is to keep marine borers out of the wood by cutting off the oxygen and light that can get into the wood instead of using traditional chemical agents to fight aquatic pests that eat and eat.
As regulations in both saltwater and freshwater tighten further every day on what can be used for the treatment of wood, TimberGuard is frequently viewed as an option where regulations are either not permitting treated wood in the water, or regulations are already suggesting 'wrapped piles' as an alternate material.
We have been involved in extremely successful projects over the past three years. We wish to create a greater awareness of our product and a heightened awareness of growing regulations concerning treated wood in the water.
If there is any interest on your part for further information on this topic of treated wood in water or our solution, or know of anyone that would be, please contact me. For further information, pictures, and stories you see more about TimberGuard out on the web at