Astronauts, astronomers prepare for the "big" day
(Salt Lake City, Utah) - (05/01/06) Residents of the Salt Lake area will have a chance to participate in an event that
will be celebrated globally. "International Astronomy Day," as it is termed, will be held Saturday, May 6, 2006 and
will be hosted by Utah's premier public outreach associations; the Salt Lake Astronomical Society, Clark Planetarium
and the University of Utah. This first-of-its-kind event will allow individuals and
families to learn, touch and view a wide-range of topics related to astronomy for
Utah Governor Jon M. Huntsman, Jr., signed a Proclamation in his office on April 20th, declaring April 30th through May 6th as Utah Astronomy Week and May 6th as Utah Astronomy Day in the presence of representatives form the event's three hosts.
Activities will kick-off simultaneously in the Salt Lake City Main Library's Auditorium and Library Plaza. At 11:00 a.m. the Honorable Jake Garn opens a series of speeches. The former astronaut and three-term senator will speak of his experience as a payload specialist on flight 51-D aboard the space shuttle Discovery in 1985. A Utah native and University of Utah graduate, Jake Garn orbited the Earth 109 times. In 1992 he was awarded the prestigious aviation award, the Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy.
12:00 noon; Dr. Don Lind will talk of his laps around the Earth as a mission specialist aboard flight 51-B, the space shuttle Challenger, in 1985. Although his Apollo flight was canceled near the end of the program, he taught himself the names of lunar features on the entire face of the Moon in preparation for that mission. Once having left the space program, Dr. Lind taught physics and astrophysics at Utah Sate University.
12:30 p.m.; Chris Scott, formerly with NASA, will talk on current and future missions to Mars such as the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter whose radar could detect ash-covered frozen lakes, should they exist.
On the Plaza, telescopes fitted with special solar filters will reveal any sunspots visible at the time, while others will provide captivating views of ribbons of hot gases rising and falling back on the Sun's surface. In addition, there will be lectures, information tables, crafts tables, door prizes, a refreshment trailer provided by Harmons Grocery and much more. Members of the Society, Planetarium and University will be working together to make Astronomy Day an unforgettable event.
The following Salt Lake Astronomical Society members will be giving
lectures as follows; 11:00 a.m., Bill Cowles, Safe Solar Observing; 11:30
a.m., Nate Goodman, Drawing Night Sky Objects; 12:00 noon, Joan Carman,
Astronomical History. The last lecture at 12:30 p.m., will feature Lynn Higgs
of the University of Utah, giving a mixture of the university's offerings and
some demonstrations.
There will be two vendors for this year's event. Sam Weller's Bookstore will have a table of new and used books related to astronomy and the space sciences. Starry Night Lights will have a table and fixtures on display that are night-time friendly for homes and businesses.
At 2:00 p.m. the Clark Planetarium continues Astronomy Day as Mike Murray, Programs Manager, gives a "Telescopes and Observing" workshop in the classroom.
3:00 p.m. - ongoing science demonstrations and kids activities on the exhibit floor.
3:30 p.m. - ongoing classroom presentations on planets, distance/scale models, current space missions, etc.
4:30 p.m. - Dr. Stacy Palen will lecture on "Black Holes" in the Digital Dome Theatre. Dr. Palen received her degree in physics from Rutgers University. She has also acquired a Masters degree in Astronomy and a PhD in physics from the University of Iowa. Currently, she is a professor of physics at Weber State University and Director of the Ott Planetarium. Stacy spends a lot of time walking her dog, "Cassiopeia!"
5:30 p.m. - "How to Choose and Use a Telescope" workshop.
6:30 p.m. - Free "Night Vision" show in the Digital Dome Theatre.
7:30 p.m. - Drawing for a Meade 90 ETX telescope furnished by Meade Instruments.
Astronomy Day ends with a free public star party at the Harmons Observatory, Stansbury Park Observatory Complex, starting at 9:00 p.m. Earth's Moon, just a day past first-quarter, will highlight the evening's observing. A spectacular view of Saturn and its ring system will be available at various times through either the 32" Grim Reflector, 16" Ealing or the 8" Bogdan Refractor. Lining the walkway to the observatory will be many smaller telescopes for the public's viewing pleasure.
Treatment to Remove Utah Chubs From Panguitch Lake a Complete Success
Panguitch -- The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources has completed a successful treatment of Panguitch Lake, which
resulted in the removal of all fish in the reservoir. This action has been in the planning and preparation stage for
several years and will pave the way for making Panguitch Lake one of the premier fishing waters in the state of Utah.
Panguitch Lake is located in Garfield County. Every year, thousands of anglers flock to its shores to try their luck at
catching a limit of trout from the chilly depths of this high mountain lake. Nearly 60 percent of the anglers that utilize
Panguitch Lake are from out of state, mostly from Nevada. As a result several "fishing lodge" type businesses have
grown up around the lake that thrive on catering to these nonresident anglers.
At some time, someone introduced Utah Chubs to the lake.
These nuisance fish were probably used as bait and then just
released into the lake when they were no longer needed.
Utah chubs are native to the Great Basin area but not
Panguitch Lake. They are very competitive fish and
displaced trout in the lake over time. At the time of the
treatment, the trout population had declined to the point that
less than 3 percent of the total fish in the lake were trout.
Mike Ottenbacher, regional aquatics manager for the
Division of Wildlife Resources, said, "When a lake gets to
this point, fishing success drops to almost zero and there is
really nothing to do but remove all the fish from the lake
and start over from scratch."
The treatment was carried out using rotenone, a naturally occurring fish toxin that is imported from South America.
(Rotenone is a natural plant product that completely bio-degrades in the environment and is not toxic to humans,
other mammals, or birds at the concentrations used. It is approved for aquatic use by the EPA.)
The treatment began with final preparations being made at the lake on Monday, May 1. The first of the powdered
rotenone was sprayed into the water early Tuesday morning, and by the end of the day six spray boats had deposited
70,000 pounds of the powder into Panguitch Lake.
Stressed fish began to surface almost immediately when the powder hit the water and soon it was evident that the
chub problem at Panguitch may have been even worse than anticipated. As you walked along the windward, east
shore of the lake you could see thousands of dead chubs. The trout numbered
less that 20. Division of Wildlife Resources biologist and project leader Chuck
Chamberlain said, "It is clear that this project was needed and it will be great to
see Panguitch get back to full productivity when we get trout back in the lake
this spring."
Panguitch Lake will remain fishless until the water detoxifies and will once
again support fish. "We are going to make every effort to get fish back in as soon
as possible. We will monitor the water quality and hope to get fish back in by the
first part of June." Chamberlain said. He went on to say, "Right now it is a wait
and see game. The lake will naturally detoxify in a few weeks. If the weather
warms, it will happen quicker and we can get back to fishing even faster."
Normally, the lake would be left without fish for an entire season to assure that
there were no chubs remaining. However, due to the extraordinary interest in
Panguitch and for the economic interest of the lodge owners, Panguitch will be
immediately restocked with 50,000 catchable size rainbow trout.
"These fish will ensure that the fishing will be great all summer long at
Panguitch. We would invite everyone to come and give it a try on Free Fishing Day which is June 10." said Chamberlain.
The rainbows will be fun to catch and those that survive could reach 1 pound to 1½ pounds by the early fall. It is also
planned to put 200,000 fingerling rainbows and cutthroat into the lake at a later date. These fish will grow and
become catchable size next year and assure the future of Panguitch Lake.
The entire project cost about $250,000 and used the services of more than 90 people. It was considered 100 percent
successful and finished one day ahead of schedule.
May 6 is International Astronomy Day
In association with the Salt Lake Astronomical Society (SLAS) and the University of Utah, Clark Planetarium celebrates International Astronomy Day, Saturday, May 6 with astronomy activities for the whole family starting at 11 a.m. at the downtown Salt Lake City Main Library. There will be solar viewing, tips on how to buy the perfect telescope, principles of rockets, crafts, observing workshops, and then out to the Stansbury Park Observatory Complex (SPOC) for late evening observing.
At Salt Lake City Library Square
11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Solar viewing telescopes, mini workshops and crafts.
Main Library Auditorium
11:00 a.m. - The Honorable Jake Garn, "Adventures in Space."
12:00 noon - Dr. Don Lind, "Adventures in Space II."
12:30 p.m. - Chris Scott, "MRO: Current NASA Missions to Mars."
Library Plaza Amphitheater
11:00 a.m. - Bill Cowles, "Safe Solar Observing."
11:30 a.m. - Nate Goodman, "Drawing Night Sky Objects."
12:00 noon - Joan Carman, "Astronomical History."
12:30 p.m. - Lynn Higgs, "Astronomy at the University of Utah" and demonstrations.
Ongoing on the Plaza and grounds
Clark Planetarium: "How to Choose and Use a Telescope," Distance and Scale demonstrations, Launch a Rocket, Information table.
Sam Weller's Bookstore: Old and new Astronomy Books for sale.
Anthony Arrigo: Starry Night Lights fixtures and information.
Salt Lake Astronomical Society Information table.
University of Utah Information table.
At Clark Planetarium
2:00 p.m. - "Telescopes and Observing" workshop in classroom
3:00 p.m. - Science demonstrations and kids activities - 3rd floor exhibits
3:30 p.m. - Presentations on planets, distance/scale, and current space missions - 3rd floor classroom
4:30 p.m. - "Black Holes" by Dr. Stacy Palen
5:30 p.m. - "How to Choose and Use a Telescope" workshop
6:30 p.m. - Free "Night Vision" show in Digital Dome Theatre
7:15 p.m. - Drawing for a Meade ETX telescope furnished by Meade Instruments
Public Star Party at Stansbury Park Observatory Complex
9:00 - 11:00 p.m. - Harmons Observatory Visit: for a downloadable map
Salt Lake - Beginning July 1, motorboats, including personal watercraft (PWC), are required to carry owner's or
operator's liability insurance when operating on Utah's waters. Motorboats equipped with engines less than 50
horsepower are exempt from this requirement.
Proof of insurance must be carried on board the motorboat whenever it is in operation. The minimum insurance
requirements are: $25,000/$50,000 bodily injury/death - $15,000 property damage or $65,000 combined minimum
per accident.
A motorboat, owned by a non-Utah resident and registered in the non-resident's state, must meet its state's insurance
requirements or have 90 days to comply with Utah's liability insurance requirements.
For more information, please call (800) RIDE-PWC or visit
May 9 Fremont Indian State Park and Museum - Sevier
Enjoy a five-mile hike with an archeologist at 10 a.m. Registration is required and a $5 day-use fee is charged. For
more information, please call (435) 527-4631.
May 9 - 31 Statewide Off-Highway Vehicle Education Classes
Utah State Parks Off-Highway Vehicle and Motorcycle Education classes in Beaver, Box Elder, Cache, Carbon,
Duchesne, Grand, Juab, Kane, Piute, Salt Lake, Sanpete, Sevier, Summit, Utah, Wasatch, Washington, and Weber
counties. Children age eight to 16 must register one week prior to class. For registration materials, please call (801)
538-7433 within the Salt Lake calling area; or 1-800-OHV-RIDE from outside Salt Lake.
May 10 - May 31 Statewide Personal Watercraft Education Classes
Utah State Parks Personal Watercraft Education classes available in Cache, Davis, Salt Lake, Utah, Wasatch,
Washington, and Weber counties. Children age 12 to 18 must register one week prior to class. For registration
materials, please call (801) 538-2628 from within the Salt Lake calling area or 1-800-743-3792 from outside Salt Lake.
May 12 Fremont Indian State Park and Museum - Sevier
Art Show Reception: Join park staff at 6:30 p.m. for a reception featuring the flintknapping craftwork of Bo Earls and
Fin Murdock and the artwork of Marilyn Schaugaard. This event is open and free to the public. For more information,
please call (435) 527-4631.
May 12 Goblin Valley State Park - Hanksville
Native American Storytelling: Learn how Native Americans explained life and events through stories. Meet at 8 p.m.
at the Observation Point shelter. For more information, please call (435) 564-3633.
May 13 Goblin Valley State Park - Hanksville
Junior Ranger Program: Surviving in the Desert. Learn what it may have been like to live in the desert, and learn
about desert survival. Meet at 10 a.m. at the new amphitheater just past the campground. This program is geared to
children six to 12, but everyone is invited. Later this same evening, meet at 9 p.m. at the Observation Point shelter for
a full moon hike. For more information, please call (435) 564-3633.
May 14 Fremont Indian State Park and Museum - Sevier
Join park staff from 1 to 4 p.m., for an afternoon of atlatl throwing. (an atlatl is an ancient spear throwing device) This
event is open to all ages, and a $5 day-use fee is charged. For more information, please call (435) 527-4631.
Guitar Concert to Benefit Multiple Sclerosis
The fifth annual " Night
of Acoustic Music" will
be hosted at Viewmont
High School on May 13th
as a benefit for the
Multiple Sclerosis
Society. Performers this
year will be Jake White,
Kathryn Tingey, Mike
Murphy Rob Callan, and
Kevin Bell. The concert will begin at 7:00pm on Saturday, May 13th in the Viewmont High School auditorium. Tickets are $7.00 and can be purchased at Bountiful Music Service, Guitar City, and at the door.
All proceeds from the concert go to the Multiple Sclerosis Society. Website address is . Come out and enjoy a night of family entertainment and support a good cause.
Aquarid Meteor Shower Peaks This Weekend
Tuesday, May 2nd, 2006 - The annual eta
Aquarid Meteor Shower is upon us, with the
peak of the event coming Saturday morning
(5/6). The eta Aquarids are the remnants of
the famous Halley's Comet which last graced
our skies in 1996. Meteors from this shower
appear to radiate from the constellation
Aquarius which is rising above the eastern
horizon before sunrise. Northern hemisphere
observers can expect a modest 5-10 meteors
per hour while those in the south are
expecting 20-60. Checkout for all the
A total of 40,000 extra rainbow trout were
stocked into Deer Creek Reservoir last
Couple those extra catchable rainbows with
the usual number that were stocked there last
fall, throw in a growing smallmouth bass
population and a good walleye population,
and Deer Creek Reservoir has all the
ingredients needed to make it one of the best fishing waters in Utah this year.
And May will be one of the best months of the year to fish at the reservoir. Located about four miles southwest of
Heber City, Deer Creek Reservoir is only about a 20-minute drive from Provo and less than one hour from Salt Lake City.
Mike Slater, aquatics biologist in the Division of Wildlife Resources' Central Region, provides the following tips and
advice to help you catch fish at Deer Creek this year:
The month of May is a great time to catch a variety of fish at Deer Creek. Hungry rainbows, spawning walleye and
active bass will be working the shoreline areas of the lake, and these fish should provide great fishing opportunities
for anglers across the lake.
The best places to access the reservoir include the entrances to Deer Creek State Park and some additional sites along
US-189 in the Wallsburg Bay and Island areas of the reservoir.
May is a great time for both shore and boat anglers to fish at Deer Creek. The water temperatures are cool enough that
the fish will be feeding along the shorelines, making them easily accessible to shore anglers. Boat anglers who come
to the reservoir in May can also get in on some great fishing and beat the influx of water skiers and personal
watercraft operators who visit the reservoir starting in June.
The best fishing in May usually occurs during the morning and evening hours.
Rainbow Trout
Anglers seeking rainbow trout this spring and summer can expect some of the best trout fishing at Deer Creek in years.
In addition to the rainbows that are normally stocked in the fall, in fall 2005, the DWR stocked an additional 40,000
catchable rainbows.
Those 40,000 rainbows will be about 15 to 17 inches long this spring and summer, and they'll be hungry and looking
for food.
Shore anglers can expect to find success around the entire lake in May. The most popular way to catch fish from shore
is a simple one: use worms or powerbait, and fish your bait near the bottom of the reservoir.
Just cast your bait out and then let it sit near the bottom until a school of trout cruises by the shoreline and one of
them takes your bait.
Successful techniques for boat anglers include jigging with curly-tail or tube jigs near shore (for best success, use a jig
that's white in color). Hot spots include the north shore, between the dam and the state park boat ramp, Rainbow Bay
and Wallsburg Bay.
In addition to jigging, trolling with bait (pop gear and worms) and lures can also be effective.
Walleye anglers should concentrate their efforts along rocky shoreline areas, including Rainbow Bay and Wallsburg
Bay, which are known walleye spawning areas. Jigging, or trolling with lures from a boat, are among the most
successful ways to catch walleyes at Deer Creek.
The best walleye fishing begins in May and typically continues through July, which is when the walleye fishing at
Deer Creek peaks.
Smallmouth and Largemouth Bass
Smallmouth bass and largemouth bass will become more active as the water temperatures start to warm. Once the
water warms, the bass start working the shorelines, providing anglers with good opportunities to catch some nice bass.
Wallsburg Bay and the Charleston/north end of the lake have typically been the best locations to fish for bass in May.
You can find success jigging from a boat or from shore at both of these locations, especially near any flooded
vegetation, which is plentiful this year because of the
high water.
Recent bass population sampling by the DWR has shown great spawning success for bass. This is mostly because of
the high water last year. The bass population at Deer Creek should continue to do well, and bass fishing should get
even better over the next couple of years.
Ice-Off At Strawberry Reservoir Means Hungry Fish
Strawberry Reservoir now has considerable open water and biologists anticipate complete ice-off within the next
week or so. "Much of the reservoir now has open water. Boats can already be launched on the Soldier Creek side of
the reservoir and complete ice-off could occur within the next week or so.
This is a special time of year for fishing Strawberry Reservoir and
many anglers know it." says Scott Root, DWR Conservation
Outreach Manager. "Immediately after the ice gets blown off the
reservoir, anglers have good success by using about all fishing
techniques. Fish tend to be found in shallower water and have a
voracious appetite. Some of the best methods include casting
dark-colored wooly buggers, tube jigs, or other minnow imitating
lures near shoreline. Some anglers boast of catching and releasing
over 50 trout using these techniques" says Root.
He also reminds anglers that there are special regulations at
Strawberry Reservoir which protect cutthroats in the 15 to 22-inch
range. Anglers can have 4 trout or kokanee salmon in the aggregate. No more than 2 may be cutthroat trout under 15
inches and no more than 1 may be a cutthroat trout over 22 inches. The cutthroat regulation is in place to ensure many
large cutthroat trout are in the reservoir to help control the population of Utah chubs.
Biologists Are Finding Big Fish at Strawberry
Strawberry Reservoir -- Some of the largest trout anglers have seen in years at Strawberry Reservoir are swimming in
the reservoir right now.
And with the ice coming off the reservoir, now is the perfect time to stand on the shoreline and have fun catching
them. Strawberry Reservoir is about 30 miles southeast of Heber City and is
easily accessed off US-40.
Alan Ward, Division of Wildlife Resources aquatics biologist at Strawberry Reservoir, provides the following
information about fishing for trout in the spring and about the big trout biologists are finding at the reservoir. He also
provides tips to help you catch these big fish throughout the year:
The ice will be off of Strawberry soon, and anglers are getting
anxious to get out and try some ice-free fishing. Some very fast
fishing for large cutthroats and rainbows can be done as the ice
comes off the reservoir.
Heavy snowfall and thick ice at Strawberry this last winter
postponed ice-off a little longer than normal this year. The ice is
receding now. As it continues to recede, look for many trout to
be cruising the shorelines looking for food in the warming,
shallow water.
To catch these actively feeding fish, try casting and retrieving
dark-colored leech patterns, and dark-colored marabou or grub
style jigs, in the shallow water near shore.
This hot spring fishing usually lasts about two weeks.
Biologists Finding Big Fish
We're expecting a great fishing year at Strawberry in 2006 because of the large numbers of big cutthroat trout we've
caught during our gillnet surveys.
About 20 percent of the cutthroats we've caught in our most recent gill net surveys have been over 20 inches long, and
about 5 percent are more than 22 inches long. This is amazing, particularly when you consider that our gillnets are not
designed to adequately catch these larger fish.
Before regulations to protect the cutthroats were enacted in 2003, we rarely caught fish this big.
The current regulations protect all cutthroat trout from 15 to 22 inches long. You may keep one cutthroat over 22
inches, as well as two cutthroats under 15 inches.
These regulations were put in place in 2003 to help build a large population of cutthroats that would prey on chub
populations that were expanding in the lake. Because of the regulations, the chub population has decreased in recent
years, and the long-term health of the fishery looks very good.
Catching Big Cutthroats
To catch these larger cutthroats, anglers often need to change their tactics and try a variety of fishing methods. Larger
fish do not eat the same things smaller fish eat.
If you want to catch one of the many large cutthroats in Strawberry, here are a few techniques you may want to try as
the year moves along:
- During the summer, try fishing shallow in the early morning
and late evening with dead minnows or lures that imitate
minnows. The large cutthroats often move from the deeper,
cooler water in the summer to chase chubs and shiners in the shallows.
- In the fall, troll or cast dead minnows or minnow imitations
shallow, and at moderate depths (10 to 25 feet), for fast action on
big fish. Tube jigs fished vertically, or with cast and retrieve
methods, can also produce large fish in the fall, and in the
summer too.
Abundant crayfish have been a major component of the large
cutthroats' diet, and fishing in rocky areas with lures that
imitate crayfish can also be very effective.
Rainbow Trout Fishing
Rainbow fishing should also improve this year due to larger rainbows being stocked in 2006. Very large rainbows (17
and 18 pounds) have been caught recently, and the opportunities are available at Strawberry for a large trophy.
Don't miss out on the great fishing we are going to have at Strawberry this year. It's close, it's easy, and it's fun!
Rainbow and Cutthroat Trout Tips for Shore Anglers
Spring is an excellent time to fish for trout - the water is just starting to warm up and the big fish are hungry after
spending the winter under the ice.
It's also a good time to fish from shore because the cool water keeps the fish in the upper reaches of the water column.
Later in the summer, this upper portion gets too warm, so the fish go deeper.
Most of the larger waters in northern Utah, and the higher elevation waters in the southern part of the state, have
rainbow and/or cutthroat trout fisheries. These fisheries can offer some fast fishing and an opportunity to catch a big fish.
Tips for Success
"Shore anglers can use flies, lures or bait, " said Ron Stewart, conservation outreach manager for the Utah Division of
Wildlife Resources. "Look for two types of places, one with water flowing in or one that has underwater structure,
such as ledges or rocks.
"Inflowing streams are a real attraction for trout as they move into the inflow searching for food or places to spawn,"
Stewart said. "Some trout, mostly rainbows and cutthroat, spawn in the spring while others, such as brown trout,
spawn in the fall. These big fish [the ones that spawn in the fall] also frequent these places looking for aquatic insects,
spawning fish and their eggs, and other prey."
A rocky point is also an ideal place to fish.
"Fish often follow the shoreline, and a rocky point brings them in close," Stewart said. "Graveled slopes and
sometimes boat ramps are also attractive during the spring, as some rainbows and cutthroats try and spawn in these
areas. Their efforts attract other fish, including big browns and brook trout.
"While bait fishing is typically a rainbow and cutthroat trout
technique, I have caught some big browns and the occasional
brook trout," Stewart said. "There is a number of commercial
baits available along with the old standby-
"Try floating a nightcrawler, piece of fish or one of the
commercial baits a couple feet above the bottom," he said. "If
your selection doesn't float, a small marshmallow may be
added to help keep it suspended. Fish often cruise along the
tops of the weeds, so floating your bait helps keep it out
where the fish can find it, rather than having it get lost in the
mud, moss or weeds on the bottom."
Flies and lures also work well in the spring.
"Lures and flies can be almost any size, shape or color, and almost every fisherman has his favorites," Stewart said.
"Fortunately the fish seem to like a variety; however, there is no knowing which combination might work on any
given day.
"A good place to start is by imitating their natural prey, especially minnows, aquatic insects and in the case of fly
fishing, matching the insect hatch," Stewart said. "It's always a good idea to look at what's moving in the water as it
could give you an idea as to what the fish are feeding on. Try a matching pattern first, then experiment with a
selection of shapes and sizes, as well as colors, until you discover which one the fish prefer on that day.
"I've fished waters where the fish hit on one combination one day and a totally different set the next."
Casting patterns can also be important.
"The fish can be anywhere in the water column during the spring, so vary your casts to fish at all levels, from high,
near the surface, to low, near the bottom," he said. "Also these fish can be close to shore or out toward the middle, so
cast along the shoreline, straight out and put a few in between."
Stewart also advises anglers to read the 2006 Utah Fishing Proclamation when picking a lake, stream or reservoir and
deciding to use bait, flies or lures.
"Some waters require fish be returned and some anglers like to catch and release their fish, regardless of the
regulation," Stewart said. "If you intend to release your fish, use flies or lures. Fish usually swallow baits too deeply
to release successfully. Fish caught by flies and lures tend to be hooked on the edges of the mouth, making them much
easier to unhook and release.
"If you do intend to release the fish, bring it in quickly," he said. "Try to keep it in the water as much as possible, and keep
handling time down to a minimum. Wet hands also help. The less time between hooking the fish and releasing it, the
better its chances of survival.
"The shore angler is more likely to catch a rainbow or cutthroat, but that's okay," Stewart said. "Browns aren't the only
big fish anglers catch in the spring."
Share Your Ideas About Fishing Regulation Changes with the DWR
Utah's 2007 fishing regulations won't be decided until this fall, but Division of Wildlife Resources biologists already
have some ideas they want to the share with the public.
The biologists are also anxious to hear ideas from anglers and others across the state.
"If there's a fishing regulation change you'd like to see in 2007, please let us know about it," says Roger Wilson, sport
fisheries coordinator for the DWR. "We need to hear from you no later than June 1 so we can consider your ideas as
we put our recommendations together this summer."
Among the changes DWR biologists are considering for 2007 are the following:
- Raising the trout limit at Scofield Reservoir to eight fish.
- Allowing anglers to use a second fishing pole at every fishing water in the state.
- Removing the size restriction on walleye at waters across the state.
- Implementing special regulations at Panguitch Lake to protect Bear Lake cutthroat trout and to help control Utah
chub populations should they reappear in the future.
- Implementing trophy fishing regulations at Calder and Brough reservoirs.
- Standardizing cold water slot limits.
A complete list of the changes the biologists are considering is available on the Web at .
"These potential changes are only proposals at this time," Wilson said.
You can also learn more about the biologists' ideas, and share your ideas with them, at any of the following Regional
Advisory Council meetings:
Southern Region
May 16
7 p.m.
Beaver High School
195 E. Center St.
Southeastern Region
May 17
6:30 p.m.
John Wesley Powell Museum
885 E. Main St.
Green River
Northeastern Region
May 18
6:30 p.m.
Uintah Basin Applied Technology College
1100 E. Lagoon St.
Central Region
May 23
6:30 p.m.
Springville Junior High School
165 S. 700 E.
Northern Region
May 24
6 p.m.
Brigham City Community Center
24 N. 300 W.
Brigham City
If you can't attend one of the meetings, please send your ideas to one of the following addresses no later than June 1:
- e-mail your ideas to
- mail your ideas to:
Sport Fisheries Coordinator
Division of Wildlife Resources
Box 146301
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6301
Women: Learn How to Fish at Ladies Fishing Day
Farmington -- Women can learn how to fish, or brush up on their fishing skills, at a Ladies Fishing Day in Farmington.
Sponsored by the Division of Wildlife Resources' Becoming an Outdoors Woman program, the Ladies Fishing Day
will be held May 13, from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., at Farmington Pond, 750 N. 75 W. in Farmington.
The cost to participate is $12. Women 14 years of age or older must also have a 2006 Utah fishing license. Licenses
are available online at Licenses can also be purchased from fishing license agents and
DWR offices.
The $12 fee includes bait, use of a fishing rod and a catered lunch. If you have your own fishing rod, however, you're
encouraged to bring it.
Space is limited to 30 women, and participants must pre-register to participate. To reserve a spot, or for more
information, call or e-mail Jill West at (801) 557-0605 or
"This event is for everyone, including women who have never fished before," says West, who serves as the volunteer
coordinator for the DWR. "This will be a great opportunity for women to learn how to fish, or to brush up on their
fishing skills, in a fun, relaxed environment."
Ken Cottle, who is a volunteer instructor in the DWR's Community Fishing program, will be among the people who
will help women bait their hooks and teach them how to fish.
Division of Wildlife Resources Staff and Volunteers Honored for Helping Utah's Wildlife
Salt Lake City -- The man who has coordinated hundreds of projects to improve habitat for wildlife across Utah, and
the person who helped secure funding that will allow the Division of Wildlife Resources to manage that wildlife
effectively, were among the employees and volunteers honored April 26 for their service and commitment to Utah's
They received their awards from the Division of Wildlife Resources during the DWR's Annual Awards Dinner at the
Embassy Suites Hotel in Salt Lake City.
Among the awards presented were the prestigious Director's Award and Director's Leadership Award.
2006 Director's Award
Before taking his current position as supervisor of the DWR's Central Region, John Fairchild coordinated work that
the DWR is still doing to improve habitat for wildlife across Utah.
His success in leading those efforts is among the reasons Fairchild was honored with the prestigious 2006 Director's
Award. This award is given annually to the DWR's outstanding employee.
Fairchild is a resident of Sandy.
"Your proactive, common sense approach to problem solving has proved invaluable to the Division on countless
occasions through the years," Jim Karpowitz, director of the DWR, said as he presented Fairchild with the award.
"Your steady, personable style of leadership is refreshing and greatly appreciated throughout the Division."
In 2005, which was the last year Fairchild served as the DWR's habitat conservation coordinator, he coordinated
habitat projects across Utah that totaled more than $8.5 million. Among his responsibilities was coordinating the
DWR's Habitat Council, the Great Basin Seed Lab, and the DWR's range and construction crews.
"For these reasons and more, you are a deserving recipient of this award," Karpowitz said. "Thanks for all your hard
2005 Director's Leadership Award
Greg Sheehan's hard work and understanding of financial issues was among the reasons the DWR secured funding at
the 2006 Utah legislative session that will allow the division to manage the state's wildlife effectively this year.
These traits are also among the reasons Sheehan was presented with the prestigious Director's Leadership Award.
This award is given annually to the DWR employee who exhibits extraordinary leadership.
Sheehan, who serves as chief of the DWR's Administrative Services Section, is a resident of Layton.
"Among your many accomplishments this year was the development of creative and innovative ways to increase
Division revenue," Karpowitz said. "During this process, you worked extensively with a diverse constituency to
generate and refine ideas."
During the 2006 Utah legislative session, Sheehan developed innovative strategies that resulted in the DWR obtaining
some critical and much-needed funding. "Your help was also critical in obtaining funding for the reconstruction of the
Midway State Fish Hatchery and new oil and gas biologists," Karpowitz said.
"Greg, your positive attitude, sense of humor and 'get it done' attitude have made you a tremendous asset to the
Division," Karpowitz said. "Thanks for all you do."
Karpowitz also presented Legislative Recognition awards to State Sen. Tom Hatch, and state representatives Ben
Ferry, Brad Johnson, Curtis Oda and Mike Noel, for the legislative support they've given the DWR.
Rich Coles from Sportsman's Warehouse; Bill Fenimore and Ernie Perkins of the Wildlife Legislative Coalition;
Richard Shipley of the Great Salt Lake Interpretive Trust; and Joel Tuhy of The Nature Conservancy of Utah, were
presented Director's Partnership awards for their support of the DWR and Utah's wildlife.
Four sportsman - Tony Abbott with the Mule Deer Foundation, Ed Kent with the Utah Angler's Coalition, Jon
Leonard with the National Wild Turkey Federation and Don Peay, founder of Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife - were
presented with Sportsman awards for the support they've given to Utah's wildlife.
Additional Statewide Awards
In addition to the statewide awards presented by the DWR, five organizations also presented statewide awards to five
division employees.
Utah Angler's Coalition: Drew Cushing, community fisheries biologist in the Salt Lake City office
Strawberry Anglers Association: Roger Wilson, sport fisheries coordinator in the Salt Lake City office
Jerry Mason Conservation Award from the Utah Wildlife Federation: Lenny Rees, hunter education coordinator in the
Salt Lake City office
Sportsman for Fish and Wildlife: Dave Rich, assistant manager of the Ogden Bay Waterfowl Management
Utah Audubon Council: Phil Douglass, conservation outreach manager in the Northern Region
PRICE, UTAH-The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR) wants to hear your thoughts about fisheries
management at Scofield Reservoir. Over the past 20 years, the number of anglers who fish Scofield has dropped by
80%. The number of fish harvested has also declined, even though stocking hasn't changed. Some of the reduction in
take-home trout is due to catch-and-release fishing, but what happened to the fishermen?.
Because angler numbers have declined so dramatically, Aquatics Manager Paul Birdsey want to know if the public
would prefer a different management strategy. On the one hand, Scofield Reservoir can be a good family fishery. A
lot of shoreline is accessible to the public and provides excellent lawn chair fishing. Besides, Scofield features two
boat ramps and state park campgrounds, which are capable of hosting a large number of boating fishermen.
If anglers want to keep Scofield as a family fishery, the DWR
will want to liberalize the bag limit from four trout per day to
six or even eight. This would make the reservoir more
inviting to families by extending the time they can spend
fishing and giving them more fish to take home. The
downside is that if more fish are taken home by more people,
then the chance to grow trophy trout diminishes.
A different management strategy would involve building a
trophy fishery. This option would limit the number of fish
which could be caught and taken home. Regulations would
probably include a slot limit, where trout from 15-22 inches
would be released, and where only 1 trout over 22 inches
could be harvested. The drawback to this strategy is
that an angler would have to release a lot of nice-sized trout
and could take home only one lunker as well as some pan-sized fish.
These and other management options will be discussed at the
Regional Wildlife Advisory Council meeting, which meets on
May 17th at 6:30 p.m. at the John Wesley Powell Museum in
Green River. Persons who have ideas
about fisheries management are heartily encouraged to come
and voice their opinions. If you are unable to attend, please
email your thoughts and proposals to either Paul Birdsey,
aquatics manager or James Gilson,
RAC chairman at: or
Energy Development Impact On Fish and Wildlife Not Dealt With In BLM Budget
May 3, 2006 - Washington, DC - A group of hunting, fishing and conservation groups concerned with expanded energy development on federal public land today weighed in on funding shortfalls in the proposed Bureau of Land Management's (BLM) Fiscal Year 2007 Budget. That budget is currently under final review by the appropriate subcommittees in the House and Senate.
In the letter (attached) to Senator Conrad Burns, Chairman of the Senate Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Subcommittee, and the Ranking Member of that subcommittee, Senator Byron Dorgan and to Charles Taylor, Chairman of the House Interior, Environment and Related Agencies Appropriations Subcommittee and the Ranking Member of that Subcommittee, Congressman Norman Dicks, the group specifically contends that BLM funding levels being contemplated are inadequate to properly manage fish and wildlife habitats on BLM lands.
The proposed BLM budget from the Department of the Interior requests $25.4 million in new funding for the BLM's Oil and Gas Program, including $9.2 million for expediting energy permits but there is no new funding proposed for such BLM programs as Riparian Management and Wildlife and Fisheries. In the letter, the signing groups state, "Rather than asking for significant increases only in funding for expediting energy related permits, we believe that commensurate attention should be paid to insure that there is adequate staff and resources in place to properly manage fish and wildlife habitats and to mitigate for impacts from expanded energy development."
The letter goes on to point out, "In recent years and in response to the demand for energy permits and subsequent workload, the BLM has re-directed resources from other programs (either through funding shifts or re-directing work of resource specialists to work on energy permits), including fish and wildlife programs." The group concludes, "We believe that in order to deal appropriately with the expanded development of energy resources, wildlife and fisheries resources need more attention, not less."
Speaking to the interests of sportsmen and women, the letter notes, "Hunters and anglers realize that our public lands can be tapped to help meet the Nation's energy needs, and that energy extraction is an important part of the BLM's role in managing public lands. Sportsmen and women also consider fish and wildlife to be important natural resources and believe the BLM should always make management of fish and wildlife and their habitat a top priority."
Groups signing the letter include: American Sportsfishing Association, Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Bear Trust International, Campfire Club of America, Izaak Walton League of America, North American Grouse Partnership, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, Trout Unlimited, and the Wildlife Management Institute.
Ozone Instinct - an innovative Surfkite for all conditions……
Ozone is proud to release the Instinct, a dedicated Surfkite for use over any liquid
environment. The Instinct is unlike any other kite on the market, it is a new concept that
combines many positive elements into one friendly wing that is suitable for riders of
any ability. Ozone's Instinct provides the safety features that inspire confidence with
beginners and the dynamic performance that more experienced riders demand. The
Instinct is simple to fly and allows you to concentrate on your riding. Built on Ozone's
own CAD design software and produced in Ozone's own factory, the Instinct brings a
higher level of craftsmanship and a new era of enjoyable Kitesurfing to the world.
The Instinct uses a single-surface inflatable structure for easy water relaunching, featuring a swept-wing leading edge and 7 inflatable struts. Ozone chose a Flat-Arc-Profile, which gives the kite a wider surface area, creating more lift and a massive depower range. To control the Instincts power, Ozone found that using five kite-lines allowed the Instinct to offer the huge depower range while offering more direct control and maintaining the solid feel on the bar that veteran riders crave. The Instincts complete power-range is all in arms reach, inspiring confidence no matter what the scenario. Most importantly, the Instinct is a Gust Muncher, this kite loves to be in the wind no matter what the conditions are.
Utah anglers in seventh annual Rolex/IGFA Offshore Championship Tournament
World championship of blue water fishing in Los Cabos, Mexico, May 7-12
DANIA BEACH, Fla. --- Two Utah anglers will be on one of the 64 teams from 33 countries that have qualified to compete in the seventh annual Rolex/International Game Fish Association (IGFA) Offshore Championship Tournament (OCT), May 7 - 12.
Derrick R. Sander, Draper and Cade L. Dillree of Bountiful will be at the world championship of blue water fishing as winning team members of the Sails and Tales tournament team that won in Zihautanejo, Mexico.
The prestigious Rolex/IGFA OCT is a four-day catch-and-release tournament which takes place in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. It's attracting many of the world's best angling teams who have won at least one of 110 IGFA qualifying events held in 40 countries across the globe during 2005. They'll be fishing the waters around the tip of Mexico's Baja Peninsula for marlin and other big game fish.
It's believed the Rolex/IGFA OCT attracts the largest number of international teams on five continents ever to compete in a single fishing tournament.
To date teams signed up are representing tournaments in the countries and territories of Angola, Australia, the Bahamas, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, the Canary Islands, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Galapagos, Guatemala, Italy, Jamaica, Kenya, Kingdom of Tonga, Mauritius, Mexico, Papua New Guinea, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Senegal, Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, Turks and Caicos, the United States, Vanuatu and Venezuela.
Many other countries are represented with anglers coming from France, England, Ireland, Slovenia and South Africa. The United States is represented by 22 teams of anglers from over 23 states.
According to Lynda Wilson, the Rolex/IGFA offshore tournament coordinator, the abundance of billfish each year caught and released is an important factor in the large number of teams competing annually.
"Last year a record total of 517 billfish were caught and released among 70 teams. The year before 299 billfish were released among 66 teams," she said. "In 2003, 250 billfish were released among 42 teams. Those are some excellent release figures and the anglers remember and get excited and the word spreads about the great fishing there in Cabo."
The teams will draw for different boats each day from the local guided Cabo fleet. They will be fishing for three species of marlin (blue, black and striped) and swordfish for 300 points each along with sailfish and spearfish for 100 point values each. The catches will be scored and released alive at the boat in accordance with the IGFA tournament rules. The team releasing the most billfish over the four days will receive bonus points.
The teams will also receive points (per pound) for tuna, wahoo and dorado up to two fish of each species per day above the minimum size limit of 25 lbs. Local charities receive the donations of all fish weighed at the Cabo docks. All anglers will use 30 lb. Momoi fishing line.
The team with the most points at the end of the four days of competition will receive Rolex timepieces and trophies. Eighteen other prizes will be presented including ones to the three top male and female anglers, top three captains and top three places for the heaviest tuna, wahoo and dorado.
The offshore championship is one of two world-class series fishing events that include the sixth annual Rolex/IGFA Inshore Championship Tournament to be held July 9 -12, in the Florida Keys. In that tournament some 40 anglers representing 55 qualifying tournaments on four continents will be competing in light-tackle and fly-fishing competition for bonefish, tarpon, permit, redfish and snook in Islamorada, located in the middle of the Florida Keys.
Founded in 1939 the International Game Fish Association is a not for profit organization committed to the conservation of game fish and promotion of responsible, ethical angling practices through science, education, rule making and record keeping.
IGFA members are located in over 125 countries and territories. The IGFA welcomes visitors to its 60,000-square-foot interactive Fishing Hall of Fame and Museum in Dania Beach, Florida.
For further information, contact Rolex/IGFA tournament coordinator Lynda Wilson at the International Game Fish Association, 300 Gulf Stream Way, Dania Beach, Florida 33004 email: , or phone (954) 927-2628 Fax (954) 924-4299 or OCT. For team updates go to and look under the Fishing heading for the Tournaments subheading.
The Utah Olympic Oval is once again hosting USA Hockey's annual Development/Evaluation Camp for the Rocky Mountain District beginning on Wednesday, May 3, 2006 and concluding on Sunday, May 7, 2006.
Attending players are nominated by their respective states. There are nine states in the Rocky Mountain District. The selected players represent the top 2 to 4 % of their respective birth years. The Rocky Mountain Camp (1 of 11 participating districts) is unique in that in addition to evaluations it teaches skills. Each player receives two on-ice sessions per day.
Morning sessions are for skill development. Afternoon sessions are for competition and evaluation. In addition, the players have off-ice strength and conditioning tests and also attend informational seminars.
Attending players are exposed to top level coaches from all over the country:
Tier 1 youth / Prep Schools / Junior - Tier 1 & 2 / USA Hockey National Program - NTDP
NCAA College coaches - Division 1, 3 and Non-Varsity.
This is an opportunity for players to showcase their skills to a wide variety of coaches and opportunities. The top players in this camp will be invited to participate in USA Hockey's summer National Select Camps.
The Utah Olympic Oval is more than just a training and competition venue for speedskating. Check out our venue and see for yourself. Viewing the hockey action is free to the public during this week's Camp.
For more Rocky Mountain District info visit: or contact:
Al Bloomer Charles Callaway
Camp Director Hockey Operations Camp Director Administration
The Utah Olympic Oval is located at 5662 South Cougar Lane (4800 West) in Kearns.
You may call (801) 968-OVAL or visit our website at for additional information.
The Utah Olympic Oval is now accepting team registrations for our summer indoor soccer leagues. Did you know that the home to long track speedskating during the 2002 Olympic Winter Games is also the home for numerous public activities including ice skating, figure skating, speed skating, hockey, curling, running and soccer? That's right…soccer!
One of our Olympic-sized ice rinks is covered in artificial turf making it the largest indoor playing surface in the state. 200' long by 100' wide, the Utah Olympic Oval's indoor soccer field is always in high demand!
Summer Indoor Soccer League Information:
Mondays: Adult Co-ed Bronze / Silver Begins June 5th
Tuesdays: Adult Men's Bronze / Silver Begins June 13th
Wednesdays: Adult Men's Silver / Gold Begins May 31st
Thursdays: Adult & High School Women's Begins June 13th
Thursdays: High School Co-ed U15-U18 Begins June 13th
Thursdays: Adult Men's Silver / Gold Begins May 25th
Fridays: Adult Men's Bronze / Silver Begins May 19th
Saturdays: Adult Co-ed Bronze / Silver Begins June 3rd
Saturdays: High School Co-ed U15-U18 Begins June 17th
Registration fee is $450 per team with a $50 discount for early registration.
Please contact Alex Krelo, Sport Field Coordinator for more indoor soccer league information at 801-963-7127 or .
The Utah Olympic Oval is located at 5662 South Cougar Lane (4800 West) in Kearns.
You may call (801) 968-OVAL or visit our website at for additional information.
May 20, Hammerfest Mountain Bike Race, Soldier Hollow
June 17, Saturday Freestyle Big Air Show, Utah Olympic Park
June 23-25, Heber Valley Pow Wow and Mountain Man Rendezvous, Soldier Hollow
June 24, Saturday Freestyle Big Air Show, Utah Olympic Park
July 1, Saturday Freestyle Big Air Show, Utah Olympic Park
July 8, Saturday Freestyle Big Air Show, Utah Olympic Park
July 15, Saturday Freestyle Big Air Show, Utah Olympic Park
July 18-21, Get Up & Go Adventure Camp, All Venues
July 22, Saturday Freestyle Big Air Show, Utah Olympic Park
July 25-28, Get Up & Go Adventure Camp, All Venues
July 29, Saturday Freestyle Big Air Show, Utah Olympic Park
Aug. 1-4, Get Up & Go Adventure Camp, All Venues
Aug. 5, Saturday Freestyle Big Air Show, Utah Olympic Park
Aug. 8-11, Get Up & Go Adventure Camp, All Venues
Aug. 12, Kearns Fire Water and Ice Celebration, Utah Olympic Oval
Aug. 12, Saturday Freestyle Big Air Show, Utah Olympic Park
Aug. 19, Saturday Freestyle Big Air Show, Utah Olympic Park
Aug. 26, Saturday Freestyle Big Air Show, Utah Olympic Park
Sept. 1-4, Classic Sheepdog Championships, Soldier Hollow
Sept. 2, Saturday Freestyle Big Air Show, Utah Olympic Park