Learn How to Grill Your Best Summer at May 20th Great Grill Out Demonstrations
Logan, Utah- Summer is just around the corner and nothing screams summer like the mouthwatering aroma of a barbecue. Grilling fanatics can learn tasty tips from a local grilling expert during a Great Grill Out demonstration on Sat. May 20th, 2006 during the lunch timeframe.
"We want people to learn how to make the best of their summer grilling," said Guy Perkins, sales coordinator for Camp
Chef, a Logan,
firm. "These
demonstrations are
full of tasty tips
that will get your
family coming back for more."
Demonstrators will feature the portable Barbecue Grill Box, which transforms any Camp Chef stove into a personal
barbeque. This accessory includes a cast iron grilling surface - the finest grill surface on the market - and a louvered base
which catches the drippings from the food. The vented lid completes this system
by sealing in the flavor and allowing for perfect heat control.
"The portable grill box is the best thing that's happened to barbecue," said Perkins. "Its size efficiency and portability make it the cook anything, go anywhere barbecue."
Cast iron grilling surfaces are preferred by professional chefs. "What makes it ideal to cook on is that while it sears the meat, it also retains the heat," said Perkins. "This ensures that the food is cooked evenly throughout."
This grill can handle anything from steaks, shrimp kabobs, chicken, hot dogs, hamburgers and vegetables. Perkins suggests also using the grill box as an outdoor oven for baking pizzas and pies.
This educational demonstration is one of 80 such coordinated seminars held at key locations throughout the United States. For information on your local area Great Grill Out demonstration, please call Camp Chef at 800-650-2433.
Fairfield - Camp Floyd State Park in conjunction with the Utah Civil War Association are hosting a Civil War
Encampment on Memorial Day Weekend, May 27 and 29, 2006 at Camp Floyd State Park. The event will allow visitors
to experience camp life and participate in several activities performed by soldiers of Johnston's Army; learn to drill and
march, load and fire a Civil War period rifle, watch a battle and medical
display. A candy cannon will be fired twice each day for the kids. Bring
your picnic and have lunch with a soldier; participate in 1861 period
games, make a candle, spin toy and go mining for gold; listen to a Civil
War Fife and Drum band. The events will be conducted on both
Saturday May 27th and Monday, May 29, 2006.
Saturday Evening activities include a Civil War period dance with a caller who will instruct the proper dance steps and style. All events are free of charge. Standard museum entrance fees of $2 per person or $6 per family still apply.
Established in 1858, Camp Floyd housed the largest concentration of U.S. troops then in the United State. The troops were sent to Utah to suppress a rumored Mormon rebellion which never took place. The army was recalled back east in 1861 for the Civil War emergency. Today, the park museum houses artifacts and exhibits from this historic event.
Camp Floyd State Park is located in the town of Fairfield, 22 miles southwest of Lehi on State Highway 73. For more information about the event or park, please contact the park at 801-768-8932.
PRICE, UTAH--Angler Justin Hart caught a 10-pound splake at Joes Valley Reservoir today at high noon. Justin was
fishing from a boat on the west side of the reservoir within casting distance from shore. Using a whole 4-inch dead chub
on a minnow hook without any weight, he let the bait settle to the
bottom. He was fishing in only six feet of water.
Justin recommends fishing the vicinity of one of the tributaries,
which include Seely Creek, Littles Creek or Lowry
Water. He favors the west over the east side, but
says big splake can be taken in almost any location
on the reservoir. Justin positioned his two-pronged
hook to look natural, but with both hooks exposed.
He prefers not to use sinkers, so that fish don't feel
the weight when they strike.
PRICE, UTAH-The Regional Wildlife Advisory Council (RAC) for southeast Utah meets on Wednesday, May 17 at
6:30 p.m. to discuss next year's fishing regulations as well as other issues. The meeting takes place at the John Wesley
Powell Museum in Green River. All interested persons are invited to attend and provide input or comment. For more
information on the agenda, visit: http://www.wildlife.utah.gov/public_meetings/next.php
The RAC consists of a variety of special interests, including businessmen, livestock growers, elected officials,
sportsmen, federal land agencies, and the public-at-large. The RAC meets monthly to discuss specific wildlife issues.
Based on Division of Wildlife Resources recommendations and public input, the RAC submits motions to
the Utah Wildlife Board, which has the authority to direct statewide management of our wildlife resources.
PRICE, UTAH-The Regional Wildlife Advisory Council (RAC) for southeast Utah meets on Wednesday, May 17 at
6:30 p.m. to discuss next year's fishing regulations as well as other issues. The meeting takes place at the John Wesley
Powell Museum in Green River. All interested persons are invited to attend and provide input or comment. For more
information on the agenda, visit: http://www.wildlife.utah.gov/public_meetings/next.php
The RAC consists of a variety of special interests, including businessmen, livestock growers, elected officials,
sportsmen, federal land agencies, and the public-at-large. The RAC meets monthly to discuss specific wildlife issues.
Based on Division of Wildlife Resources recommendations and public input, the RAC submits motions to
the Utah Wildlife Board, which has the authority to direct statewide management of our wildlife resources.
SUNNYSIDE, UTAH -East Carbon residents reported that the group of Rocky Mountain bighorn rams that summer at
the mouth of Whitmore Canyon has returned to the area. "I saw about 20 of them on Saturday," Gary Johnston told Utah
Division of Wildlife Resources biologists. "They were standing right in the middle of the road. I got some great
pictures," he added. "Just rolled my window down. But, I was worried about them. I had to shoo them off the road before
I left."
The possibility of bighorns being struck by cars is a concern to Division officials. "We have
posted several warning signs asking motorists to slow down," stated Bill Bates, Regional Wildlife
Program Manager. "The advisory speed is 15 miles per hour. So far, we have been fortunate that
none of the Sunnyside bighorns have been killed by motorists. Desert bighorns that frequent
roadsides near Moab have not been so fortunate. At least nine bighorns have met their demise between
the Colorado River Bridge and Moab Canyon. If motorists will observe the advisory speed when
driving up Whitmore Canyon, we will not have the same problem near Sunnyside."
The return of the rams has occurred annually since the mid-nineties. While only five or six rams
were seen the first year, as many as twenty-five have been seen at one time during recent years.
They appear to be attracted to lush vegetation growing in an area reclaimed after closure of the
Kaiser Coal Mine. The seed mix included many plants preferred by wildlife, which has paid big
dividends. Horn growth of the rams using the area has been phenomenal.
The rams that congregate near Whitmore Canyon during the summer spend the rest of the year dispersed though the Nine
Mile, Bighorn Benches Wildlife Management Unit. This unit extends from Nine Mile Canyon on the north, to the town
of Green River on the south, and from Highway 6 on the west to Desolation Canyon on the east. Hunters on this unit have
taken several rams with high Boone and Crocket scores over the past few years.
Bighorn viewing has become very popular in the area. The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources plans to offer a Bighorn
Viewing Day in Whitmore Canyon on June 17, 2006. Division biologists will be on hand to answer questions. For more
information, contact Brent Stettler, at (435) 636-0266.
Grill Your Best Summer with the Turkey Cannon Innovative Accessory Debuts at NHS New Product World
(Logan, Utah) -- Fire up the grill and get ready to prepare a feast your family and friends are sure to remember with the
Turkey Cannon from Camp Chef, a premiere outdoor cooking manufacturer based in Logan, Utah. The Turkey Cannon
infuses moisture and flavor deep into your favorite poultry: chicken, turkey, goose or pheasant.
"We've been huge fans of beer can chicken for years," said Brett Bennett, Camp Chef's product engineer. "So we put our heads together to come up with a way to fit a beer can turkey into the grill. Most grills won't let you stand a turkey upright over a can holder and close the lid."
And, while the invention doesn't actually sit the bird over the can of liquid, the results are just as impressive. First, pour liquid into the cylinder of the Turkey Cannon. Then, place the poultry over the reclined cylinder. Moisture infuses deep into the breast of the bird, infusing flavor. The grill roasts the turkey from the outside.
"I love how well the Turkey Cannon roasts both chickens and turkeys," said Chef Bryan Woolley, culinary director for the Love to Cook culinary education program. "The breast meat is so tender and moist - and the skin was so full of flavor from the grill."
"While you certainly can grill a chicken on the Turkey Cannon, I recommend serving up turkey for any large parties," Woolley said. "Turkey is a very healthy meat and it's something everyone seems to love to eat off the Turkey Cannon."
See the Turkey Cannon on display in the New Product World at the 2006 National Hardware Show. For more information on the Turkey Cannon, please visit http://www.CampChef.com or call 1-800-650-2433. The Turkey Cannon is available at barbecue retailers, finer sporting goods stores and hardware retailers nationwide.
May 12 - July 30 Fremont Indian State Park and Museum - Sevier
Art Exhibit: Enjoy the colored pencil drawings by Marilyn Schaugaard, and the flintknapping work of Bo Earls and Fin
Murdoch. For more information, please call (435) 527-4631.
May 18-23 Antelope Island State Park-Syracuse
8th Annual Great Salt Lake Bird Festival: Local birding experts of northern Utah will be leading daily field trips to
birding hot spots and visiting areas usually closed to the public. Festival event with booths, workshops, and Dutch oven
dinner on the Saturday, May 20th at Davis County Fairpark; Arthur Morris is the keynote speaker. Field trips require pre-registration. For more information and to register for this event call (801) 451-3286 or visit the website
May 19 - December 15 Edge of the Cedars State Park Museum - Blanding
Utah photographer Diane Orr offers large-scale photographic images in "Utah's Vanishing Rock Art". Along with this
exhibit opening on May 19 is a reception for the American Rock Art Research Conference. For more information, please
call (435) 678-2238.
May 20 Antelope Island State Park-Syracuse
Century Ride: Antelope Island State Park is the halfway point of the Cycle Salt Lake Century Bike Ride. This is a 100-mile bicycle event. Participants will start and finish in Salt Lake City. For more information and registration, please
contact Jon Smith (801) 259-3662.
May 20 Antelope Island State Park - Syracuse
Lecture on the RB - 29 crash on Antelope Island: Join park staff at 2 p.m., for an informative lecture by Max Harward,
historian, author and former Fielding Garr ranch hand, on the crash of an RB- 29 military aircraft on Antelope Island. For
more information call (801) 649-5742.
May 19 Goblin Valley State Park - Green River
Native American Storytelling. Join Barbara to learn how Native Americans explained life and events through stories.
Meet at 8 p.m. at the Observation Point shelter. For more information, please call (435) 564-3633.
May 20 Goblin Valley State Park - Green River
Junior Ranger Program: Who lives here? Learn about the wildlife that calls Goblin Valley home. Find out what it might
be like to live in the desert. Meet at 10 a.m. at the Curtis Bench Trail parking lot. This program is geared to children six
to 12, but everyone is invited. Become a Junior Ranger and earn a Junior Ranger badge. For more information, please
call (435) 564-3633.
May 20 Goblin Valley State Park - Green River
Discover Goblin Valley: Join the park naturalist for an evening walk through the goblins beginning at 8 p.m. at the
Observation Point shelter. Find out how the goblins came to be, and who lurks around in the night! For more
information, please call (435) 564-3633.
PRICE, UTAH--This week, the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR) announced the presence of whirling disease
in Huntington Creek, a Blue Ribbon trout fishery located in Emery County in southeastern Utah. Laboratory analysis of
fish sampled last fall confirmed presence of the disease organism in 6 of 60 fish sampled. Last year, the disease was
discovered in Scad Valley on the Manti-LaSal National Forest. The Scad Valley watershed feeds the left fork of
Huntington Creek, which prompted the concern and sampling effort by the DWR.
Whirling Disease is an infection of trout caused by a microscopic parasite, which attacks the cartilage of the head and
spinal cord. In severely infected fish, the disease can cause skeletal deformities, blackening of the tail, and a distinctive
whirling behavior (swimming in circles). Whirling Disease is particularly harmful to young trout and can lead to death in
cases where many parasites are present. Rainbow trout are most susceptible of all trout. In descending order, the trout
most susceptible to whirling disease are: rainbow trout, golden, cutthroat, brook, brown and splake. There is no known
cure for fish infected with the disease.
The whirling disease parasite was first discovered in Utah in 1991 and has since spread across Utah's fisheries and
contaminated some of the state hatcheries. Much of the disease distribution can be tied to sportfishing and fishermen.
Whirling disease spores are inadvertently carried on muddy
waders, boots and shoes. Boats, motors, and fishing equipment
also carry the spores from one fishing hole to the next. The spores
are very durable. They can withstand extremes in temperature and
dehydration. Spores can survive in dried mud on a boot for up to
one year. In a stream or lake, spores can hang on for 20-30 years.
Although whirling disease can be disabling or fatal to a trout,
humans are unaffected. There is no need to take special health
precautions when handling, preparing or serving trout affected by
whirling disease. The disease is specific to trout and their
relatives. Table quality of the meat is unaffected. The single most
important precaution encouraged by the DWR concerns control
and spread of the disease. It's very easy to move the disease from
one stream or body of water to another. In a worst case scenario,
the disease could spread across Utah's trout fisheries and suppress
or minimize trout fishing opportunities in Utah.
To stop the spread of the disease, anglers are encouraged to wash their shoes, boots and waders before leaving a stream
or body of water where whirling disease occurs. Felt-soled waders are especially good spore transporters. Once home,
footwear should be disinfected with a 10% bleach solution for at least 15 minutes. Boats should be drained and washed
(inside and out). Fishing equipment should likewise be washed off. Fish entrails or other non-edible fish parts should be
put in a trash receptacle. Throwing fish parts or entrails back into the water only returns the parasites from an infected
fish back to the aquatic system.
The presence of whirling disease in Huntington Creek is disappointing for fishery managers and biologists, but the
natural resistance of brown trout to the disease means that the quality of this Blue Ribbon Fishery should not suffer as a
result of its presence. It does mean however, that anglers need to be aware of the parasite and help limit its spread to
other waters.
For the long-term, aquatic researchers continue to search for a cure or remedy. Whirling disease-resistant strains of trout
may be developed and cultured for fisheries where the disease has devastated the trout population. In the interim, let's
work together to contain the disease. The good news is that fishing is especially good this year. A great snow pack,
plenty of water and increased production by fish hatcheries are expected to produce exceptionally good fishing
conditions this summer and fall.
Heber - To launch Utah Safe Boating Week, Jordanelle State Park staff hosts the On-the-Water Boat Show Friday, May
19 from noon to 7 p.m., and Saturday, May 20 and Sunday, May 21 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. New boats will be on display
at the marina by area boat dealers. Visitors can receive a free boat safety check by the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, and if
boats pass inspection, admission into the park is free.
Hamburgers, hotdogs and drinks will be available at very reasonable prices. Day-use fees are $9 per vehicle. Discount
coupons available at http://www.boatshow.utah.gov . Jordanelle State Park is located off US 40 at the Mayflower Exit 8.
For more information, please call (801) 538-7220.
Consumers Digest Selects Big Gas Grill III Portable Gas Grills - Premium Selection Winner
(Logan, Utah) -- In a market saturated with low-power single-duty portable grills, one unit sticks out as the ultimate on-the-go grill with its durable styling, high-performance output and unique versatility: the Big Gas Grill III by Camp Chef / Sport Grill. The system's innovative, multipurpose design might explain why Consumers Digest hails the product as a Premium Selection Best Buy in the Portable Gas Grills category.
"We couldn't be more thrilled with the recognition. The Big Gas Grill truly works like no other grill," said Ty Measom, Camp Chef president. "Simply detach the barbecue box and you have a full-size outdoor range. It's like having a universal kitchen in one simple unit."
With three 30,000 BTU/hr burners, detachable legs and a folding shelf, the range on the Big Gas Grill offers more than 600 square inches of cooking area. Set the hooded barbecue grill box over the burner and let the power of a cast iron cooking surface go to work - searing meat while retaining flavor and heat for maximum grilling performance, according to Measom.
"Camp Chef's three-burner portable [grill] is a no-nonsense unit that stands at countertop height (31 in.) when
assembled," reads the Consumers Digest description. "[The Big Gas Grill is]
suitable for large family outings and uses a standard-size propane tank.
Accessories include a griddle, Keg Roaster and a Turkey Roaster."
The Big Gas Grill was designed as a premier tailgating unit, according to director of engineering Brett Bennett. "We wanted a unit that would work great on the blacktop and be perfect for picnics, camping and RV grilling."
Read the entire report in the June 2006 issue of Consumers Digest. The Big Gas Grill can be found at fine hardware and sporting goods retailers nationwide for under $300. Camp Chef's Pro 60 two-burner range received a Consumers Digest Best Buy in 2004 as the Premier selection camp stove. For additional information on the full line of Camp Chef products, visit http://www.campchef.com or call 800-650-2433 to receive a free catalog.
Honey Mustard Ribs
3-4 lbs. ribs (beef or pork)
2 Tbsp. dried onion
4 Tbsp. dijon mustard
4 Tbsp. honey
1/2 tsp. liquid smoke
2 tsp. brown sugar
3/4 C. butter or margarine
2 cloves minced garlic
How to Prepare:
Mix everything but ribs in a sauce pan and simmer for 2 minutes. Cook ribs on Camp Chef Barbecue Grill Box over
medium heat. Turn and baste with sauce often. Cook for 25 to 35 minutes until done.
Try cooking the ribs in a Camp Chef Dutch Oven. Brown ribs then pour sauce over ribs. Cover and simmer on low to
medium heat until ribs are tender.
Grilling Safety Tips
If used properly, cooking with a portable grill can be a wonderful experience, providing
users with many great memories. But when used carelessly, grilling can be not only
dangerous for the chef, but all those near the grill. The following are tips to help create a
memorable grilling experience and ensure many more to come.
· Before igniting the flame - · Look for insects or food grease inside the tubes that lead to the grill to make sure they are free from blockage. If there is blockage, clear it using a pipe cleaner. · Look over the hose leading from the propane tank to the grill to check for any leaks or cracking. Make sure there are no kinks or creases in the hose. · Perform a leak test with soapy water, 50/50, at least twice a year: · Turn all control knobs to off, and make sure regulator is tightly connected to the LP tank. · Completely open LP tank valve. If a rushing sound is heard, turn gas off, there is a leak at the connection. Correct before continuing. · Brush soapy solution onto connections. If growing bubbles appear there is a leak. Turn off gas, tighten connections and apply the solution again. If leak continues, replace faulty parts before using. · All scratched connectors need to be replaced to prevent leaking. · Lighting the grill - · To prevent a build-up of gas, always keep the lid open when lighting the grill. · If the burner does not light the first time, turn the gas off, open the lid and let the burner sit for five minutes before trying again. · Make sure no loose clothing or hair is over the grill when lighting the burner or when cooking. · A blue flame with little or no yellow flame provides the best heat. To
achieve the desired flame, adjust the air damper on the back of the burner. · Grilling in general - · Do not use the grill indoors and make sure it is at least 10 feet from the nearest building. Keep the burner away from any dry vegetation when in use. · Do not over fill propane tanks. For propane tanks to work properly, they must have enough room inside for the liquid to expand. · When storing a propane tank use extreme caution. Never store a tank indoors when it is full. Never store an unused tank near a grill being used. Always store tanks in an upright position. |
Chris Brigham, a member of the U.S. Ski Team alpine coaching staff since the mid-Nineties, has been promoted to men's downhill and super G head coach, Men's Head Coach Phil McNichol announced.
Brigham replaces John McBride, who retired after 10 years with the U.S. staff, including the last four as downhill/SG head coach. Pete Bosinger also retired at season's end, creating a second opening on the World Cup staff.
Brigham grew up in Sheffield, Mass., in the southern Berkshires, and was a racer until graduating from UMass-Amherst in 1989. He coached at Waterville Valley Academy (NH) and the New York Ski Education Foundation for five years, joined the U.S. staff with the '95 season for a year, spent '96 with the Canadian downhillers and returned to the U.S. Ski Team staff for good after the 1996 season.
With Brigham moving up, McNichol said Europa Cup Coach Rewk Patten, formerly with Colorado's Crested Butte Academy before joining the U.S. coaching staff before last season, was being promoted to the World Cup squad and former Australian speed coach Michael Branch has been added to the staff, too.
"Even with 'Johno' and 'Pedro' leaving, it's all coming together pretty well for the new staff," McNichol said. "Chris is an outstanding coach and he's got the respect of the athletes, which is so important, but he also brings the continuity that we look for in maintaining stability in the staff and on the team. He's been with us for about a dozen seasons and he's seen it all...
"And we've worked closely in recent years with the Aussies on the World Cup, helping each other back and forth, so our guys all know 'Mick' and this was another easy decision. He's worked with us for three years, so there's almost no learning curve to go through because he knows us and how we like to do things. He's a quick, easy fit. Rewk performed well last season with the Europa Cup and he's already fit in, too," McNichol said.
Brigham pointed to the talent on the team and said he looked for younger skiers to keep moving up. Following the retirement of former world champion Daron Rahlves (Sugar Bowl, CA), the veterans include reigning world DH and SG champion Bode Miller (Bretton Woods, NH) and two-time Olympians Scott Macartney (Redmond, WA) and Marco Sullivan (Squaw Valley, CA) plus 2006 Olympian Steve Nyman (Orem, UT) with Bryon Friedman (Park City, UT) returning from injury.
"I'm pretty excited. Having been with the Ski Team [more than a decade], it's good to have the continuity...and Mick's practically been part of our staff these last two or three seasons, so that's all to the good," Brigham said. "We'll miss Daron, of course, but we've got some athletes proving themselves on the World Cup...and it should be a fun season."
In other coaching moves, Forest Carey - Middlebury College alpine head coach and a former U.S. Ski Team athlete - has been added to the men's slalom and GS staff. Carey replaces Tom Sell, who takes over as men's development coach with Andrew Cesati assuming additional duties as conditioning coach, while Manuel Gamper, who was a seasonal coach last winter with the men's tech team, replaces Patten on the Europa Cup staff.
U.S. Alpine Director Jesse Hunt said, "Phil's done a tremendous job filling key positions in a post-Olympic period when there's been turnover in veteran staff. The goal of keeping consistency and continuity is being achieved in the men's program, and it reflects our ongoing philosophy to fill important positions, where possible, from within the organization. I'm proud we're in a position to charge our own coaches with leadership roles."
E-Z UP International is proud to announce the release of the 2006 Eclipse II Professional Shelter
Based on the industry leading Eclipse design, the 2006 model incorporates a number of important new features designed to enhance the operation and functionality of the shelter.
Most notably, we've replaced the traditional snap button system with a new finger-friendly toggle. Adjusting the shelter's height is now quicker and easier than ever. In addition, we've added a self-tensioning peak pole that automatically adjusts the top's tension to ensure a perfect fit every time.
Finally, we've added multiple bracket mounting points that allow you to change the configuration of the shelter through the use of various optional accessories.
The 2006 Eclipse II Professional is designed to deliver years of trouble free service and is backed by the longest warranty in the industry. This combined with our industry leading custom graphics capabilities and 23 years experience, make the 2006 Eclipse II Professional the shelter of choice!
Quality, Value, Performance & Service - E-Z UP International
Saturday' debuts on HornyToad.com
Bringing 'Every Day is an Adventure' to life, the latest Horny Toad movie blends advanced digital techniques and still
photography with an original soundtrack
SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA (May 8, 2006) - "Saturday," the latest digital video collaboration between Horny
Toad and the Merge creative group is going live on HornyToad.com and will premier at the Telluride Mountainfilm
Festival, May 26-29 in Telluride, Colorado.
Bringing the Horny Toad tagline "Every day is an adventure" to life, "Saturday" was shot on location in Austin, Tex. The
rolling sequence of local venues and authentic personalities showcases the increasingly diverse meaning of "adventure" -
as well as spotlighting a few Horny Toad pieces.
"Adventure is so much more than climbing the Himalayas or going on safari in Africa. It's an attitude and a spirit that
we're hoping to bring to people's lives in new ways. "One of Horny Toad's long-term commitments is to find creative
ways to express this everyday ethic", said Gordon Seabury, president of Horny Toad. "'Saturday' is a way for us to share
our "Every Day is An Adventure" approach to life. We invite everybody to check 'Saturday' out, and let us know what
you think."
Described by one of the "Saturday" directors as the latest piece in a "National Geographic photographer meets VFX
geeks experiment, the hypnotic appeal of "Saturday" is based on breaking concepts in digital layering. Spilt foreground
and background action interact on different timelines, while distinct visual cues are seamlessly synched to an original
soundtrack from musician Chris Pierce. The result is the sensation that viewers are eavesdropping on a distinct moment
in time.
Living front and center on the home page of HornyToad.com, "Saturday" is the third in a series of a growing showcase
of creative content that includes "Tuesday," a meshing of animation, music and still photography (Released Fall 2005);
and "Thursday," a still photography and music montage with a soundtrack by Chris Pierce (Released Spring 2004).
"Saturday" was produced by Merge and Horny Toad clothing. Production credits include Cari Carmean, art creative
director for Horny Toad; David McLain: director/photographer; Jerome Thelia: director/compositor; Allison Kocar,
compositor; Talia Marash, additional matte cutting.
The original song "La Da Day," written and produced by Chris Pierce; recorded, mixed and mastered By Seth Horan;
vocals, guitar, rhodes piano and strings by Chris Pierce; percussion by David Leach; drum programming by Seth Horan;
and bass guitar by Orlando Sims.
About Merge
Merge combines still photography with the latest digital tools to craft visually arresting, high impact stories. Merge is the
common voice of three partners. David McLain has worked passionately as a photographer for 20 years, which has
earned him the honor of working regularly with National Geographic Magazine. For 14 years, Jerome Thelia has worked
on post-production projects on commercials, TV series, feature films, documentaries and distance-learning projects.
Lastly, Richard Freeda has been a commercial and editorial photographer for 15 years and brings a broad range of
experience to Merge. To learn more, please go to www.mergegroup.com
About Horny Toad
We work when we need to, play when we can, and wear what makes us feel good. Founded in Telluride, based in Santa
Barbara, and recognized with smiles just about everywhere else, Horny Toad creates inspired outdoor clothing for those
who embrace adventure every day. Horny Toad blends exceptional comfort fabrics with individually inspired designs
and unique details to provide both men and women with unforgettable lifestyle apparel for all seasons. To learn more,
please go to http://www.hornytoad.com , or call 800-865-TOAD.
Ice-Off At Strawberry Reservoir Means Hungry Fish
Wasatch County -- The ice left Strawberry Reservoir on May 7, and that means some of the best fishing of the year is
happening right now at the popular reservoir in north-central Utah.
"This is a special time of year for fishing Strawberry Reservoir, and many anglers know it," says Scott Root, DWR
conservation outreach manager. "Immediately after the ice gets blown off the reservoir, anglers have good success by
using about all fishing techniques.
"Fish tend to be found in shallower water and have a voracious appetite," he says. "Some of the best methods include
casting dark-colored wooly buggers, tube jigs or other minnow-imitating lures near the shoreline.
"Some anglers boast of catching and releasing over 50 trout using these techniques."
Boats can be launched at all of the traditional boat ramps, and boat docks have been placed in the reservoir. The
Strawberry Reservoir Visitor Center is open now, and the campgrounds around the reservoir will open on May 12. You
can make camp site reservations by calling Campground America at 1 (877) 444-6777.
Root reminds anglers about special regulations at Strawberry
Reservoir that protect cutthroats in the 15- to 22-inch range.
Anglers can have 4 trout or kokanee salmon in the aggregate. No
more than 2 may be cutthroat trout under 15 inches, and no more
than 1 may be a cutthroat trout over 22 inches.
The cutthroat regulation is in place to ensure plenty of large cutthroat
trout remain in the reservoir to help control its population of Utah
For more information, call the Strawberry Reservoir Visitor Center at (435) 548-2321.
25,000 Trout Planted in Lost Creek Reservoir
Croydon -- A total of 25,000 rainbow trout were stocked in Lost Creek Reservoir on May 5, making the small reservoir
one of the best places in Utah to fish for rainbows right now.
The 10-inch rainbows came from the Kamas State Fish Hatchery. Ted Hallows, the hatchery's supervisor, provides the
following information about fishing at this northern Utah reservoir:
Lost Creek Reservoir was stocked May 5 with 25,000 healthy catchable rainbow trout, and the fishing is starting to heat up.
Spring time is always a good time to fish at mid-elevation reservoirs in Utah, and Lost Creek is no exception. Not only
can you catch some of the pretty rainbows that were stocked recently, you can also catch some very nice holdover
cutthroat trout that are "coloring up" for the spawning season that is just around the corner.
Getting There
This quiet, secluded reservoir is in Morgan County and is easily accessed off of I-84. The reservoir is only a one-hour
drive from most of the Wasatch Front. Anglers from the Ogden area can access the reservoir from I-84. Salt Lake City
anglers can access the reservoir by traveling east on I-80, turning onto I-84 at Echo Junction and then heading west on I-84.
No matter which area you come from, take the Croydon exit off of I-84 at the Devil's Slide area in Weber Canyon. Travel
through the small town of Croydon and head north 10 miles up the canyon to the reservoir.
Things You Need to Know
Shoreline fishing is available from the south end of Lost Creek (near the dam) and around to the boat ramp that is located
on the east arm of the reservoir.
The boat ramp is small, but it's perfect for small fishing boats and float tubers. The reservoir is managed for fishing and
has a wakeless-speed-only regulation. The regulation means you won't have to compete with water skiers or jet skis as
you troll around the reservoir, enjoying the scenery and the fishing.
Lost Creek Reservoir has some special regulations that you should be aware of as you plan your trip. The gate to the
reservoir opens at 6 a.m. and closes at 8 p.m. until the end of May, when it will stay open until 10 p.m. Lost Creek is a
day-use reservoir, and camping and campfires are not allowed.
In addition to the wakeless-only boating speed, please remember not to litter. Numerous citations have been issued to
careless people who decided to use this scenic area as a garbage dump. Please pack your garbage out and help keep the
area nice and clean.
Utah's regular four trout limit applies to this water.
Catching Fish
Now for the good stuff: how to catch the fish!
Powerbait and worms work well, but anglers who use lures often find the most success.
When fishing from a boat, trolling a lure that imitates a fish, such as flat fish and especially Rapalas, seems to work best.
Some of the best Rapala colors to use include gold, silver and silver fluorescent chartreuse in F-5 (2 inches).
Trolling pop gear and worms also works well.
From shore, reports coming in from anglers indicate Mepps spinners and Jake's Spin-a-Lures have been working really
well lately.
As the weather warms and the bugs start to fly, using a spinning rod and reel to cast a fly behind a bubble can also be
very effective. Fly patterns that have worked well in the past include renegades, Adams, mosquitoes, coachman's and
gray hackle yellow.
A Cure for Spring Fever
As spring fever gets the best of you, and gas prices go higher and higher, just remember a cure is just a short drive away
at Lost Creek Reservoir. It's been heavily stocked, and the fishing is getting better and better-don't be left behind!
SANDY CITY - The following presentations are offered free of charge to the public at the Sandy City REI store. REI is located at 10600 South & 230 West in the northwest corner of the South Towne Mall property. For more information, please call (801) 501-0850 or visit our website at http://www.rei.com and click on the stores & events link.
Thursday, June 1st, 7pm
Adventurer, climber, photographer Cary Marger will present a slide show on the harsh and bizarre aspects of living in Antarctica. Cary spent 3 summers and 1 winter working for the National Science Foundation at McMurdo Station, during which time he documented the unique landscape, wildlife, and social isolation of the 7th continent. From 24 hours of light & dark to -100 degree temperatures, this will be an up-close and personal look into everyday life on the coldest, highest, driest, and windiest place on earth. Cary will also share a diverse collection of photographs taken on subsequent adventures from the "other" 6 continents.
Thursday, June 8th, 7pm
"Traditional" pack weight for a seven-day trip is about 50 pounds. Learn how to reduce your pack weight 10, 20, 30 or more pounds without breaking the bank. Most people can reduce their pack weight 10 pounds or more without any cost or comfort penalty... Bob Molen will show you how. Join us to learn easy and cost effective methods to reduce your pack weight and increase your backpacking enjoyment.
GPS 101
Thursday, June 15th, 7pm
A Global Positioning System is a fun and accurate tool that can help you navigate through backcountry terrain or even down city streets. Join REI navigation experts as they unveil the mysteries of this fun and fascinating piece of technology. This presentation will cover basic GPS functions such as determining latitude and longitude, programming routes, and recording travel.
Thursday, June 22nd, 7pm
Maintaining your road or mountain bike can be a daunting task when you don't know where to begin. Tonight's presentation by REI shop techs will help to demystify the challenge of keeping your bicycle in good working order. By the end of the evening participants will be acquainted with the arts of flat tire repair, fine tune brake adjustment, and degreasing & lubrication.
Thursday, June 29th, 7pm
Feeling lost? Lacking a sense of direction? REI will present a clinic aimed at the newcomer to map and compass. We will cover the basics such as understanding map symbols, orienting the map and compass, triangulation, declination adjustment, and reading terrain features. Participants are encouraged to bring their own compasses.
SALT LAKE CITY - The following presentations are offered free of charge to the public at the Salt Lake City REI store. REI is located at 3285 East & 3300 South. For more information, please call 486-2100 or visit our website at http://www.rei.com and click on the stores & events link and select Salt Lake City.
Friday, June 2nd, 7pm
The Utah Rock Art Research Association presents Bureau of Land Management officer Rudy Moulden for an evening presentation at REI. His talk will focus on his ongoing efforts in investigating and prosecuting criminal actions and vandalism of state antiquities and rock art. The URARA is s non- profit organization dedicated to helping in the preservation and understanding of the value of rock art.
Tuesday, June 6th, 7pm
"Traditional" pack weight for a seven-day trip is about 50 pounds. Learn how to reduce your pack weight 10, 20, 30 or more pounds without breaking the bank. Most people can reduce their pack weight 10 pounds or more without any cost or comfort penalty... Bob Molen will show you how. Join us to learn easy and cost effective methods to reduce your pack weight and increase your backpacking enjoyment.
Tuesday, June 13th, 7pm
Come join us for a night of inspiration and information as we welcome back renowned nature photographer Jeffrey Ambrose. He will present his latest slide show "Colors of Change," followed by a clinic on how to make your summer scenic shots more memorable. Jeffrey has been working as a professional photographer for seven years, and has a very unique view of the natural world. Specializing in the western portions of North America, he focuses on the moods of nature, and capturing images that speak to the heart. We are always excited to have Jeffrey back at REI, and this is one event not to be missed!
Tuesday, June 20th, 7pm
This evening's presentation cracks open the three sections of Canyonlands National Park: The Needles, The Maze, Island in the Sky, and the rivers that cut through them. Images of mountain biking the White Rim trail; river rafting Cataract Canyon; canoeing Stillwater Canyon; backpacking the Maze and Needles districts will be featured tonight as well as expert instruction on how to get started your own trip. Lori Lee, outdoor expert and guidebook author of "Wild Weekends in Utah", will open the doors to planning adventures of a lifetime in Canyonlands National Park.
Tuesday, June 27th, 7pm
Join the Cottonwood Canyons Foundation and wildflower expert Bill Gray for an introduction to the wildflowers of Big and Little Cottonwood Canyons. Bill Gray is a biology professor emeritus from the University of Utah, as well as the author of "Cyberflora" an interactive guide to the wildflowers of the Wasatch Front. This presentation is a great way to learn the flowers before the bloom hits its peak! Attendees can expect an evening chock full of Dr. Gray's extensive botanical knowledge as well as his renowned wit.
May through August
Get your kids out on an outdoor adventure! Sign up for REI's Passport to Adventure and start hiking your way through summer. Go to your REI store and pick up a Passport and a list of five local, family-friendly hikes. Take the Passports along and have the kids enter information about each hike. When you have five hikes completed, bring the Passports back to your REI store. You'll get cool Passport stamps for each hike, a certificate of completion and a water bottle (while supplies last)--not to mention a keepsake reminder of your fun summer! Pick up your Passport to Adventure at any REI store today!
May through August
Go take a hike! This, summer, Sandy Parks & Recreation along with REI are leading guided hikes in the Wasatch on select Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings. Register by calling 468-2900. Cost is $4 per participant. A complete schedule and directions can be viewed at http://www.sandy.utah.gov/parks_rec.parks_hiking.html .
Saturday, June 17th, 9am
REI Salt Lake is offering our popular four-hour hands-on bicycle repair class. One of REI's certified shop techs will lead the class through a comprehensive tune-up and teach you to perform the basic adjustments on your own bike! We provide the tools and stand. Cost is $85.00 for REI members, $100.00 for nonmembers. Register in person or by phone at (801) 486-2100. Limit of five participants per class.
Saturday, June 3rd, 8am-Noon
Calling all volunteers! Team up with REI and a host of volunteers from the community to give back to our trails system. Work begins at 8:00 a.m. and will continue until 12:00 p.m. Lunch will be served for all volunteers at 12:30 p.m. and tools will be provided. Please register at REI in SLC or Sandy by May 31st, all participants must sign a release form at time of registration. Two exciting projects to choose from! Work with REI Sandy, The Forest Service and Sandy City Parks & Recreation to fix up Bells Canyon Trail along the Wasatch Front in Sandy. Call Kristen at (801) 501-0850 for more information. Or…help repair the Spiro Trail in Park City with REI SLC, The Mountain Trails Foundation, and IMBA (Intermountain Biking Association). Please call Eric at (801) 486-2100 to learn more! A full description of the event is available at http://www.rei.com under the stores & events tab.
Saturday, June 10th, 8am-1pm
Volunteers are needed to help improve the Jordan River! We will meet at 8:00am for breakfast and working from 9am until noon to remove trash from the riverside, paint guardrails, and erase graffiti. Lunch will be served to all participants. Meet at Redwood Park 2320 S 1100 W. Every year, Great Salt Lakekeeper plans community based river cleanup projects throughout the watershed. With the help of volunteer groups we remove tons of garbage from the waterways. For more information please check out http://www.greatsaltlakekeeper.org or call Jeff Salt at 486-2550.
Saturday, June 10th, 7:30am
Tour de Cure is a challenging and rewarding cycling event. Funds raised support the American Diabetes Association's mission: to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes. The American Diabetes Association is dedicated to funding research into the cause and cure of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, as well as awareness and advocacy programs to support people with diabetes until a cure is found. The ride consists of three fully-supported routes: A century ride, a 60-mile ride, and a 25-mile ride. Riders will be supported from start to finish. After the ride we will recognize Tour de Cure top fund raisers, and celebrate our fight against diabetes with a feast sponsored by Sugarhouse Barbecue, enjoy tunes, and have an awesome prize drawing. Please check out http://www.tour.diabetes.org .
Saturday, June 17th, 10am
Sponsored by REI and the Utah Rivers Council! Explore the beautiful, hard-working Bear River by canoe. You'll learn about the diverse birds and wildlife supported by the Bear's flows, recreational opportunities on the river, and dam proposals that threaten this incredible resource. Participants will also receive an introduction to paddling safety and technique. To reserve your spot, please email the Council at http://sarah@utahrivers.org . Boats, paddles and lifejackets provided at no charge by REI. Limit of 15 people.
Saturday, June 17th, 3pm-9pm
Millcreek Township is celebrating outdoor recreation at the 2006 Venture Outdoors Festival. This festival held at Canyon Rim Park, just 3-minutes outside of Salt Lake City, celebrates outdoor recreation by offering activity clinics that encourage participants to discover and explorer outdoor opportunities in our community and state. Venture Outdoors is a free, family-friendly event featuring live music, a 4.2-mile twilight race/walk, free kid's race, recreation clinics, guest speakers, giveaways, special children activities, and plenty of food as part of the festivities. Festival activity clinics are designed to encourage participants to "venture outdoors" and are taught by industry professionals who will spotlight activities such as cycling, climbing, golfing, fishing, gardening, running, and many other outdoor activities. This non-traditional, recreation-101 approach, will give participants greater awareness and appreciation for the wealth of outdoor amenities available to residents. Please see http://www.millcreekoutdoors.org .
Small Fish Put Up a Big Fight at Flaming Gorge Reservoir
Dutch John -- If you like fishing for small fish that put up a big fight, plan a trip to Flaming Gorge Reservoir in late May.
Smallmouth bass fishing will be hot from both the shore and boats by then, and it's fishing your kids should love.
Lowell Marthe, acting Flaming Gorge project leader for the Division of Wildlife Resources, provides the following
preview for smallmouth bass fishing at the popular northeastern Utah reservoir:
In late May, warming water temperatures spark the appetite of these aggressive fish, triggering some great fishing
opportunities. Both shore and boat anglers can catch lots of bass in May and June.
Bass can be found in virtually every area of the reservoir, but areas such as Dutch John Draw, Jarvies Canyon, Mustang,
Sheep Creek, Antelope Flat, Rawlins Draw, Anvil Draw and Holmes Crossing are great locations to try. Smallmouth
bass prefer rocky points where they can find crayfish, which are their primary prey. Smallmouth start looking for crayfish
in shallow water early in the year, and then the smallmouth bass move deeper as the water temperature warms.
If you're fishing in May, cast into very shallow water, sometimes only a couple of feet deep. Crayfish-colored tube jigs
and twist tail grubs, from 1/8 ounce to ¼ ounce in size; small spinnerbaits, such as a beetle spin; 4- or 5-inch artificial
worms; and minnow- or crayfish-imitation lures all will work well for these eager-to-bite fish. As you cast these lures,
try moving down the shore and casting to many different
Fly anglers can also do well from the shore or a boat throwing wooly buggers, leeches or streamers early in the season.
As water temperatures warm in June, try fishing deeper, 10 to 20 feet down, around large rocks and boulders. Jigs work
particularly well when the fish move deeper. As the fish move deeper, boat anglers will find better success than shore anglers.
Bass in the Wyoming end of the reservoir are typically larger than fish in the canyon in Utah, but you'll find more fish in
the canyon. Because of the fast action and the simple fishing techniques, children really enjoy this type of fishing. The
fish are easy to catch and handle, since they have very small teeth and you can hold them by their mouth. Even small
bass put up a good fight, so your kids should really enjoy fishing for them.
Anglers are encouraged to keep smallmouth bass 10 inches and under to reduce the competition among bass for forage,
which should increase the overall size of the bass in the reservoir. Anglers are encouraged to release bass that are more
than 10 inches long, since bass grow slowly in Flaming Gorge's cold water and it takes quite a few years for them to get
to that size.
Bass caught out of Flaming Gorge are very good to eat and are easy to prepare by breading the fillets and frying them. A
limit of 10 small fish makes an absolutely delicious meal.
If you like to catch fish, give Flaming Gorge bass fishing a try. If you do, you'll probably find yourself making the trip
again and again.
Fishing Heats Up at Pelican Lake
Roosevelt -- The water and the fishing are heating up at Pelican Lake, a fantastic little fishing spot about 15 miles
southeast of Roosevelt.
"The largemouth bass at Pelican Lake are up on their beds right now and are very vulnerable to anglers," said Ed
Johnson, biologist for the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. "As the water warms up to about 60 degrees, start
looking for bedded bass in two to four feet of water. If you check the small pockets in the emerging reed beds, you can
often see a light spot the bass have cleared on the bottom before you see the fish.
"These circular-shaped spots are spawning beds," Johnson said. "The male bass picks a nest site and scrapes out a
shallow indentation about twice his body length. He then guards his nest hoping to entice one or more females in to lay
eggs. Once she has laid her eggs, he will continue to guard the area until the eggs hatch and the fry get large enough to
leave the protection of the nest site."
During the spawning period, when the females lay eggs and the male guards them, the bass are the most accessible to anglers.
"Many types of jigs and grubs will take the largemouth on their beds," Johnson said. "I prefer three-inch grubs in natural
colors, like browns and greens to imitate crayfish, but Senkos, dropshot rigs, tube jigs and rubber worms will all work.
"Simply cast just beyond the bass and slowly pull your lure into the bed. The bass will hit the lure in defense of the nest.
They are surprisingly eager to bite and the fishing can be fantastic. The spawn only lasts a couple weeks, so get out there now.
"Bass that aren't spawning are also hitting spinnerbaits on the outside edges of the reed beds."
Johnson said bass fisheries are also heating up at other nearby waters, including Steinaker, Red Fleet and Starvation
reservoirs. In addition, like Pelican, Steinaker and Red Fleet also have bluegills that spawn in a similar manner to the bass.
"The bluegill have also just started moving up into the shallows and are beginning to make spawning beds," Johnson
said. "'Sight fish' the bluegill, and when you see them, cast small jigs or bait, such as pieces of nightcrawler or
mealworms. Bluegill are an aggressive predator, but they have a small mouth, so anglers need to present them with a
small lure or hook.
"Fly-fishing is also a popular way to fish for Pelican Lake bluegill and bass when they are shallow."
Johnson says bass and bluegill will be in all of the shallow shoreline areas of Pelican Lake for the next two to three weeks.
"There is shoreline fishing available now as the lake is full," he said. "Shore anglers are using the boat ramp area on the
south shore, the highway and the dike on the Division of Wildlife Resources property on the north shore.
"Fish move offshore into deeper water when it warms during the summer. Even if you miss the spawn, the fishing for
bass and bluegill at Pelican will remain outstanding all summer and fall, as it does every year."
For more information, call the DWR's Northeastern Region office at (435) 781-9453.
Apply for Antlerless Big Game Permits
Applications will be available by May 23 to hunt cow elk, cow moose, doe deer and doe pronghorn antelope in Utah this fall.
To be entered in the 2006 Utah Antlerless Draw, mail-in applications must be received no later than 5 p.m. on June 19.
Hunters applying through the Division of Wildlife Resources' Web site ( http://www.wildlife.utah.gov ) must submit
their applications no later than 11 p.m. on June 19.
Draw results will be posted by July 27.
Those who applied in previous years should receive a preprinted 2006 application in the mail soon. Those who don't
receive an application by May 23 may obtain one from the DWR's Web site, DWR offices and hunting and fishing
license agents statewide.
Utah's 2006 Antlerless Addendum also will be available at the same locations.
A total of 4,999 cow elk; 1,080 doe deer; 587 doe pronghorn; and 63 cow moose permits, will be available through the
public draw this year. Many of Utah's private Cooperative Wildlife Management Units also have public antlerless
permits available. Hunters can apply for these public CWMU permits during the application period.
To ensure their application is entered in the draw, Judi Tutorow, wildlife licensing coordinator for the DWR, provides
applicants with the following tips and reminders:
* Double-check the hunt numbers you listed. Hunt numbers are highlighted in blue in the Antlerless Addendum. Many
applicants end up with the wrong hunt, or no hunt, because they listed the wrong hunt number.
* Send the correct fees. Check your math. You may miss out on your hunt if you don't send enough money.
* Check your credit card number and expiration date. Your card must be valid through September 2006 to issue you a permit.
* Up to four people may apply together for deer, elk and pronghorn permits. Group applications are not accepted for
moose permits.
* Group members are reminded not to combine checks and credit cards for payment. Also, all fees for all applicants in a
group must be charged to one credit card.
* Sign your application.
* Before applying for a hunt that occurs on private property, make sure you'll be able to use the permit by obtaining
written permission from the landowner to access the property. The DWR does not guarantee access and does not have
the names of landowners who own land where hunts occur. An asterisk in the proclamation's hunt tables indicates hunts
that occur mostly on private land.
Those with questions may call the nearest Division of Wildlife Resources office or the DWR's Salt Lake City office at
(801) 538-4700.
Great Salt Lake Bird Festival Offers Two New Field Trips This Year
Farmington -- Two exciting tours have been added by the Division of Wildlife Resources to the list of 66 activities
offered at the Great Salt Lake Bird Festival this year.
New to this year's lineup are kayak tours of the Farmington Bay Waterfowl Management Area and "An Absolute Hoot"
owling excursion at the Hardware Ranch Wildlife Management Area.
The Great Salt Lake Bird Festival runs May 18 through May 23. The field trips, workshops and programs offered at the
festival are designed to peak the interest of anyone interested in birds-from beginners to experts.
Kayaking Field Trips
The Hardware Ranch excursion has already sold out this year, but spots are still
available to participate in the kayaking field trips.
The kayaking field trips will be held on Thursday, May 18, with five separate trips
offered throughout the day. Each trip lasts 90 minutes. The cost to participate is $25.
Neka Roundy, Davis County tourism director and co-founder of the bird festival, says
lots of opportunities also are available to sign up for other bird festival activities. "We
still have some openings for these field trips, and we'd encourage interested persons to
sign up on our Web site or to give our offices a call," she said.
The phone number for the Davis County Tourism Office is (801) 451-3286. The
festival website is http://www.greatsaltlakebirdfest.com .
Kayak Tour Sneak Peak
Teachers from northern Utah and the state of Nayarit in Mexico got a sneak preview of the kayak tours at Farmington
Bay on April 29 during a special teacher workshop that coincides with the festival each spring.
This year, the workshop featured the Shorebird Sister Schools Program developed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
The program was created to encourage students in the United States and Mexico to learn about the habitat needs of
migratory birds that share crucial resting and nesting areas in the Unithed States, Mexico and Canada. (Note to media:
video of the teacher kayak field trip, with teacher interviews, is available by contacting Phil Douglass at 510-1406).
Scott Baxter, owner and operator of Great Salt Lake Touring, sponsors the kayak tours. Baxter says that the proceeds
from the field trips will be donated to the Farmington Bay Naturalist Program. The naturalist program conducts many
educational events throughout the year. During the Bird Festival, those events include "Those Wild Wetlands" offered by
Farmington Bay Naturalists Steve Coleman, Kim Wixom and Larry McClurg. This program helps Boy Scouts earn a
variety of advancement requirements.
Farmington Bay Naturalists Brian Currie, Dee Dee O'Brien and Bill Fennimore are deeply involved with many other bird
festival activities.
Volunteers play a huge role in conducting various field trips. Nearly 50 volunteers will assist the tours this year. Most of
these volunteers are from the DWR's Dedicated Hunter and Farmington Bay Naturalist programs.
Dear BlueRibbon Action Alert Subscriber,
I need to begin this alert with a big fat apology. This is a very important alert, but we failed to get it out until today... AND THE COMMENT DEADLINE IS MONDAY!!
Instead of duplicating efforts, we're going to "paste" the alert released by the Snowmobile Alliance for Western States (SAWS). SAWS does top quality alerts, and this one is no different. SAWS is an outstanding organization and worthy of your membership. In addition, SAWS does not charge a membership fee to join.
I see Scott Chapman (SAWS Representative for Idaho) used the excellent info from the Top of Utah Snowmobile Association and even pasted in Curt Kennedy's excellent comments on behalf of the Utah Snowmobile Association (USA).
Comment on this issue is extremely important. The Tony Grove/Franklin Basin area is one of the most popular "high mountain" snowmobiling areas in the entire nation. Thus far, we have been able to thwart the closure efforts of the radical anti-access crowd.
Your comments are a critical component in fighting the anti's. Please comment NOW!!
The best method is to use the 'bullet point' comment suggestions SAWS developed below. Simply cut and paste these into an email - and don't forget to alter the text so it reads right.
If you have time, you can glean some additional comments from USA's comments.
If you have any questions or need additional information please call.
Brian Hawthorne
BlueRibbon Coalition
208-237-1008 ext 102
SAWS Action Alert:
Tony Grove - Franklin Basin Winter Recreation Project
Comment Deadline: May 15, 2006
Send comments to:
Rob Cruz, Logan District Ranger
1500 East Highway 89
Logan, UT 84321
Phone: 435-755-3620
E-mail: comments-intermtn-wasatch-cache-logan@fs.fed.us
Detailed information, including a scoping map, is available here:
The Wasatch-Cache National Forest has decided there is a need for more management of motorized and non-motorized
winter recreation in the Tony Grove-Franklin Basin area of the forest. The problem is they forgot to include motorized
recreation when considering the needs of all of the forest users. The Forest Service is proposing to close to snowmobile
use the Twin Creek drainage and Bunchgrass Creek drainage, as well as the area around the Hells Kitchen yurt.
This means that the Forest Service needs to hear from SNOWMOBILERS TODAY! In your letter, make sure to include
your name and address; that your comments are regarding the Tony Grove - Franklin Basin Winter Recreation Projects;
and ask that your name be added to the project mailing list.
At the end of this alert is a letter to the Forest Service from the Utah Snowmobile Association (USA). SAWS strongly
urges that you read the letter in its entirety before drafting your comments to the Forest Service. This USA letter is the
reason this alert has been prepared. Please thank USA for their efforts on snowmobilers' behalf, and if you are a Utah
snowmobiler and are not a USA member, please join them so they can continue to benefit snowmobilers.
Some talking points in your letter should include:
· The entire over-the-snow connecting trail between Franklin Basin and the Tony Grove parking lot should accommodate the state groomer. This will assure regular grooming of this corridor and provide a clearer boundary as well as provide a corridor through for the big game winter range. This will also increase safety by allowing more room for snowmobiles to pass other snowmobiles or skiers.
· Tell the Forest Service how often you and your family have snowmobiled in the Tony Grove - Franklin Basin area. Include the number of outings per year, group size, how many years, etc.
· Tell the Forest Service how much it means to you and your family, to be able to snowmobile in the Tony Grove Franklin Basin area.
· Snowmobiler safety is an important issue. Make this clear.
· Big game winter range is an important issue. Make sure the Forest Service knows that you are not inclined to disturb this habitat. Also point out that many studies have shown that wildlife is more frightened and flees greater distances when startled by non-motorized recreationists that they do not hear approaching.
· Clearly defined boundaries that follow natural features and are easy to observe is an important issue.
· Historical and varied snowmobile access & egress from the snowmobile trailheads is an important issue.
· Incremental closures over the years have resulted in over half of the Logan Ranger District being closed to snowmobiles while the snowmobiling public continues to grow. The Logan Ranger District needs to provide more snowmobiling opportunities, not fewer.
· The 2003 closure created confusing and difficult to observe boundaries.
· The 2003 closure caused safety and access problems for snowmobilers.
· The 2003 closure affected access to areas where you've enjoyed snowmobiling for many years (say where and how long you've snowmobiled in or through those areas).
· Along the lower part of the Tony Grove Road, the boundary must be adjusted to open the area east and north of the road so snowmobiles from the parking loop can access the groomed trail over snow rather than on the plowed road.
· Boundaries could be further simplified, improving snowmobiler compliance, reducing management burden, and making enforcement easier, while still protecting big game winter range by opening everything north of the proposed southern boundary, using the proposed western boundary, and using the over-the-snow connecting trail as the eastern boundary. Even with this, about half of the Logan Ranger District (approximately 141,000 acres out of 275,000 acres) is closed to snowmobiles, and all of it is open to skiers and other non-motorized winter recreationists.
For this alert, SAWS is utilizing information received from Utah SAWS members, Utah Snowmobile Association and Top
of Utah Snowmobile Association.
Please forward this to anyone that rides a snowmobile, regardless of where they ride. Ask them to write the Forest Service.
The Forest Service needs to know that snowmobilers are not willing to be ignored.
Thank you all for your interest in and dedication to protecting YOUR right to ride.
Snowmobile Alliance of Western States
Protecting the right to ride for the owners of 303,604 registered snowmobiles (2005) in the western United States.
Copyright (c) 2006 Snowmobile Alliance of Western States. All Rights Reserved.
Permission is granted to distribute this information in whole or in part, as long as Snowmobile Alliance of Western States
(SAWS) is acknowledged as the source. If you are not yet a member of SAWS and you would like receive these alerts, please
sign up on our web site at: http://www.snowmobile-alliance.org/