Orienteering Club Meeting Feb 22
We're meeting Thursday, February 22 at 7:30 p.m.
Please come to our annual organizational meeting. We want your input on places for new maps/courses, times and dates
for this season's competition, and other ideas on improvements to the club.
The meeting is VERY CASUAL, at the InterPlan offices, 7719 South Main Street, in Midvale (where Main Street is
actually 700 West.)
See you there!
PRICE, UTAH--With spring just around the corner, shed antler and horn gathering can be an exciting treasure hunt for enthusiasts of all ages. Along with the fun of searching for antlers, there are certain regulations that must be heeded, regarding the possession of antlers and horns.
According to Wildlife Rule, a person may possess antlers or
horns from lawfully harvested animals as well as 'shed' antlers
and horns. (Refer to the 2007 Utah Big Game Proclamation,
page 15.) A shed antler or horn is one that has dropped from a
big game animal (moose, elk, deer and pronghorn) as part of its
life cycle. Antler sheds have a rounded base, commonly called a
button or burr. Sheds from a pronghorn antelope are a hollow
New this year in Utah, there is a shed antler gathering season in the Northern Region only. The season closes for antler gathering from February 1, 2007 through April 30, 2007. This season closure is designed to protect wintering wildlife from harassment during the time of year when the animals are in their poorest health condition from winter stress. The Utah Wildlife Board has also ordered the DWR to study the effects of antler gathering throughout the state to determine if it is feasible to have a statewide antler gathering season to protect wintering wildlife.
Shed antlers and horns may be possessed at any time. There are no restrictions on their barter, trade or sale. In contrast, antlers or horns that are attached to the skull plate must have been legally harvested or purchased. The owner (of the antlers/horns attached to the skull) must keep a transaction record, which includes the name and address of the hunter, his permit number and the date of purchase/sale.
Antlers, heads and horns of legally harvested animals may only be purchased or sold between February 15 and July 31
annually. The transaction record allows the DWR to identify legally-harvested
animals; thereby discouraging the unlawful harvest of big game, simply for the
trophy value of their antlers and horns.
A deer sheds its antlers during February and March. Elk shed later than deer and at higher elevations. Low amounts of snowfall this winter has allowed most of the deer and elk to remain at higher elevations through out the winter months. Much of the mid-elevation sagebrush steppe zone is dead or dying from many years of drought. Deer and elk are currently competing for space on the same winter range that usually elk are using alone. Deer are usually on the lower elevation winter ranges. In general this is good for keeping energy reserves up for animals, but all it takes is a couple of heavy storms to isolate the deer in the high county this late in the season and problems will develop for pregnant does who need all the energy they can reserve late in the winter for a successful spring fawn crop. Low energy reserves are taxed even more by human activity when antler gatherers enter the picture.
Careless shed antler and horn hunters can tip the delicate energy, contributing to big game winterkill. Probably the worst
threat comes from irresponsible OHV use. Off-road travel is illegal and
should not be practiced when gathering antlers. Reports have come in
about OHVs, chasing deer and elk through trees to knock off their antlers.
This practice is both extremely damaging and illegal. Anyone, caught
harassing wildlife, will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Whether on foot or riding an OHV, please pay attention to the animal's
body language. If it appears nervous or begins to move away, give the
animal more space by backing off or traveling in another direction.
Shed gathering can be a great family outing. Please avoid picking up antlers attached to the skull plate, while you are gathering sheds. Instead, mark the area and contact your local conservation officer. Please respect the space and needs of wintering big game to minimize adverse effects. And last of all, have fun and good luck!
Utah residents interested in the management and conservation of public lands have an opportunity to become directly
involved through participation on the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Utah Resource Advisory Council (RAC).
Council members provide advice and recommendations to the BLM concerning the use and management of 22 million
acres of public land in Utah.
Nominations are being accepted for five positions on the RAC. The Secretary of the Interior makes all of the three-year
appointments to the broad-based, citizen council. The deadline for sending nominations and letters of support to the BLM
is Monday, April 2, 2007.
"The RAC has been an excellent way to keep citizens engaged in the resource issues facing the public lands in Utah," said
BLM Utah State Director Selma Sierra. "BLM managers look forward to having more Utahans become involved in this
collaborative process, bringing fresh ideas to the table."
The Utah RAC consists of 15 members. The RAC charter provides for members to serve 3-year terms, on a staggered
basis, with one-third of the council subject to appointment or reappointment each year.
The following positions are open on the RAC this year:
ˇ Two positions in Category One (Commodity), which includes holders of federal grazing permits, energy and mineral
development, timber industry, transportation or rights-of-way, off-highway vehicle use and commercial recreation interests.
ˇ One position in Category Two (Non-Commodity), which includes nationally or regionally recognized environmental organizations,
archaeological and historic interests, dispersed recreation and wild horse and burro groups.
ˇ Two positions in Category Three (Local Area Interest) which includes holders of State, county or local elected office,
Native American Tribes, employees of a State agency responsible for management of natural resources, academicians
involved in natural sciences and the public-at-large.
Nominees will be evaluated on their education, training, and experience with issues involving public lands in Utah. They
should have demonstrated a commitment to collaborative resource decision-making.
All nominations must be accompanied by letters of reference (a minimum of two) from the interests or organizations to be
represented, a completed nomination form, as well as, any other information that speaks to the nominee's qualifications.
Nomination forms are available from BLM offices and from BLM's website at http://www.ut.blm.gov
RAC members serve without monetary compensation, but are reimbursed for travel and meal expenses.
BLM consults with Utah Governor Huntsman before forwarding its recommendations to the Secretary for the final decision.
All nominations and letters of reference should be sent to:
Bureau of Land Management
Utah State Office
440 West 200 South, Suite 500
Salt Lake City, Utah, 84101
Attn: Sherry Foot
For additional information, contact Special Programs Coordinator, Sherry Foot at (801) 539-4195.
Off Road Vehicle News from USA-ALL
H.B. 425 Substitute
Street-legal All-terrain Vehicle Amendments -- Noel, M.
You all helped us before please do it again! There will be even more help needed in the next week and a half on this and other bills.
This bill WILL be debated on the House floor tomorrow morning or afternoon (Thursday 02/22). The first floor
debate this afternoon showed some concerns from the metropolitan communities such as SLC about controlling ATV
access, mixed traffic, and issues of safety were raised. Please send in your supporting comments just as so many of you
did on HB 237. Your comments made a HUGE difference in passing HB 237. Let's do the same and even better for HB
425. Even if you're not an ATV enthusiast this bill will help
improve access for all motor vehicles. The major concerns are
over safety and manageability. There was one comment that
Arizona hated their street legal ATV's and wanted to change
back to Utah. If you have knowledge about this please share it.
Please comment on how important this bill is to you, how it can
be a safe activity, and it would provide great opportunities for
you to tour with your ATV's, visit local businesses, etc. Please
support this bill, write your legislator now! We really need a big
push if this is going to pass. So spread the word and get
everyone writing legislators in support of this. Use the link
below to send an email that will be distributed to every member
of the house, it's a special email address that bounces off our
servers so it is secure to use.
This bill will essentially allow ATV's to be registered in Utah as street legal vehicles if you meet certain requirements. HB 425 will have VERY positive effects on OHV recreational opportunities, tourism, and economical growth, for Utah citizens. Our organization stands fully and firmly behind this bill. We have had opportunity for input into it and we believe it is THE most important piece of OHV related legislation that the Utah legislature has ever had to consider. If you wish to make a significant positive difference in the lives of thousands of Utah families support this bill.
Email your legislator now. Thank you!
To check for action on the bill on the status page GO HERE. To watch or listen to this bill as it is debated live by going here scroll down towards the bottom and under the you will see some flashing symbols next to the house floor time under the 'what's happening today" the symbols means there is live video and audio feed. Floor time is between 10:00 and 12:00 P.M. You will need Real Player a free download. For a quasi schedule of the order the bills will be debated go to this link house third reading calendar here select the House display and third reading option, this will show you what bill is currently being discussed and the order of bills on the various calendars. The circled bills (bills in yellow) can be discussed at anytime. HB 425 is circled as of tonight. The bill sponsor will not uncircle and debate the bill until many of the concerns are met. It may be debated and voted on at anytime. If you don't see it listed, go to the status page that likely means it has already been debated and voted upon.
Featuring: Celtic Beat Irish Dancers, Galloway Pipe Band, and Idlewild
Celtic Beat Irish Dancers will open the evening as they kick up their heels with lively jigs and reels in the style of "Riverdance". CELTIC BEAT is a young group of Irish step dancers that perform throughout the Northern Utah area at many festivals and concerts. They were invited and performed at the 2002 Olympic Cultural Arts Festival. They have performed at the Kenley Amphitheater for Arts in the Park Series, Ogden's Taste of Ogden, and have been featured on Channel 2's morning show twice.
GALLOWAY PIPE BAND will play traditional pipes lending to the Scottish tradition. They are proud to honor 3 generations of pipers. The Galloway Pipe band has performed at many competitions and festivals throughout the intermountain west. They have patterned their pipe band after the famous Black Watch Pipe Band.
Ending the evening will be the IDLEWILD BAND. Idlewild features music of various cultures mixed into their program. They perform mainly Celtic music from Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Brittany, and the Isle of Man. Instruments include flute, whistle, recorders, dulcimer fiddle, and Bodham.
CLEVELAND RESERVOIR Fishing was fair over the weekend with a 1/16 oz. chartreuse jig tipped with a waxworm in 10-20 feet of water.
HUNTINGTON CREEK On Saturday, Tom Ogden fished
below the forks. He indicated that the creek had opened up a
lot since the last time he fished. He had the best luck with a
#12 bead head Montana nymph. Tom advises that most
patterns will work if you get them to the bottom where the
fish are. Drift the fly through the hole several times before
moving on. It takes a fish more time to react, when the water
is 33 degrees.
HUNTINGTON NORTH STATE PARK State Park Manager, Dan Richards reports that work has begun on the dam gates and new spillway. Water levels will remain low until the work is completed in April. Fishing pressure is low. No report on fishing success.
Dedicated Hunter, Calvin Jensen interviewed two groups of anglers. Fishing was slow for both parties. One group indicated that fishing success had been very good two weeks earlier when they had used nightcrawlers and salmon eggs, fished 12 inches off the bottom. This weekend, there was a foot of snow over the ice, which is 30+ inches thick. Tiger trout range from 12-17 inches. Closed to the possession of cutthroat trout.
JOES VALLEY RESERVOIR Fishing success ranges from poor to good, depending on the day and expertise of the angler. The catch consists mostly of splake below and within the slot limit, although 5-10 lb. fish are occasionally taken. Tiger trout and cutthroat trout may also be caught. Small spoons or jigs tipped with chub meat are recommended. Special regulations apply. Please refer to the 2007 fishing guide.
LAKE POWELL Visit http://www.wayneswords.com for the fishing report, provided by Wayne Gustaveson, DWR project leader.
LASAL MOUNTAINS DWR Aquatics Biologist Darek
Elverud reports that Ken's Lake has mostly thawed. Ice-off is traditionally a good time to fish. Brown trout range
from 12-15 inches. Mountain reservoirs remain frozen
and inaccessible.
LOWER FISH CREEK Try a #12 San Juan Worm, #14 Prince Nymph, or #12 green scud in open water below the dam.
SCOFIELD RESERVOIR Dedicated Hunter Calvin Jensen conducted a creel survey on Sunday. He reported that the most successful end tackle was a chartreuse tube jig, tipped with a mealworm and salmon egg. Anglers fishing in 8-12 feet of water seemed to be more successful than those working deeper water. However, the ice close to the bank was covered with 8-12 inches of slush, which seemed to push most anglers toward the middle of the reservoir. Sergeant J. Shirley checked 150-200 anglers during the three-day holiday weekend. He said the catch was poor all three days. Conservation Officer Chris Rhea checked anglers on Saturday and likewise reported slow fishing. Chris recommended salmon eggs and mealworms as the best baits.
The Kaufman Field Guide series has outdone itself: from wasps to moths to crickets, the brand-new Kaufman Field Guide
to Insects of North America by Kenn Kaufman and Eric R. Eaton (Houghton Mifflin, February 28, 2007) includes more
than 2,000 digitally enhanced color photographs that bring these beautifully diverse creatures to life.
With a pictorial table of contents, complete with color-coded tabs, this field guide allows for quick and simple insect
identification. After all, when you are wondering whether that yellow-and-black-striped bug is a moth or a bee, time is of
the essence. In keeping with that fact, the Kaufman Field Guide to Insects of North America relies on what Eaton and
Kaufman call "naked-eye entomology"--techniques for identifying different insects through simple, no-microscope-necessary observations about appearance and behavior, rather than through highly technical processes that require
expensive and unwieldy equipment.
With the Kaufman Field Guide to Insects of North America, Kenn Kaufman and Eric R. Eaton have put together a
beautiful and educational guide that is guaranteed to bring out the bug lover in anyone. Just a quick flip through the book
is sure to enhance every reader's sense of wonder at the natural world.
24-Year Old Sheet Metal Worker Receives Most Online Votes in 5th Annual Contest
TEMECULA, CA--The Outdoor Channel (TOC), the No. 1 television destination for outdoor enthusiasts, today announced that Andy Lulinsky, a 24-year old sheet metal worker from Munster, IN beat out thousands of hopefuls to win his own one-time fishing show on The Outdoor Channel. Andy's show is set to film this summer and will debut later in the year to the nearly 30 million subscribers of The Outdoor Channel.
"The 'Win Your Own Fishing Show Contest' gets bigger and bigger each year-- now in its fifth annual incarnation, and we really love being able to give this once-in-a-lifetime experience to one of our deserving fans," said Amy Hendrickson, SVP of Affiliate Sales and Marketing for The Outdoor Channel. "The Contest also gives us a chance to team up and do something exciting with our cable affiliates and retail partners, and we've had an opportunity to participate in some terrific events over the course of the year. In addition, our viewers love the idea that each year they can visit the Outdoor Channel website, log their vote, and become an integral part of the process that determines the winner. Watching Andy's audition, it's not hard to see the easygoing charm and warm personality that clearly had a strong impression on the voters."
Mr. Lulinsky submitted his impromptu audition last summer while attending the Munster Blues, Jazz, and Fine Arts Festival, which featured a team from The Outdoor Channel videotaping aspiring local contestants. Considering that Lulinsky was literally just returning from a fishing trip on Lake Michigan (a weekly ritual that he participates in with his two brothers), Andy knew he was ready for his close up. And so were the dozen or so Steelhead and Salmon that Andy just happened to have packed in ice in a cooler he carried into the auditions. Complete with props, Lulinsky's audition caught the eye of Outdoor Channel executives, who first selected his audition as one of 70+ semifinalists to later be culled down to five finalist submissions. The five finalists' auditions were then placed on the Channel's website for public voting, where Andy's video received a clear mandate with the most votes and was declared the winner.
"I'm pretty blown away by all of this," Lulinsky confided upon hearing he had won the Contest, adding: "although I'm not completely surprised. My family and friends have been amazing at getting the word out to vote-- I'm talking posters around town, emails, bulletin boards, everything! I know they had a lot to do with my winning the contest, and I truly want to thank them as well as everyone out there who voted for me."
2005's "Win Your Own Fishing Show Contest" winner, Rachel Phelps of Monmouth, OR did such a standout job as the host of her own one-time fishing show that she caught the eye of independent production company OMG Multi-Media and veteran outdoor producer Russ Cameron, who hired Rachel as a full-time co-host of their television series America's Outdoor Journal. Ms. Phelps has also gone on to represent The Outdoor Channel at a variety of outdoor-related events and appearances.
About The "Win Your Own Fishing Show Contest"
Each year, two Outdoor Channel 'Motor Moose' teams make stops at over 70+ festivals, expositions, and community celebrations across the country-in search of a new star to host a fishing show episode on the network. In 2006, several thousand hopefuls tried out at public auditions held nationally throughout the nine-month contest season. Each contestant was asked to step up to a microphone and camera, tell a personal fishing story, and explain why they would make a good host of their own fishing show on The Outdoor Channel. A semifinalist was selected from each 'Motor Moose' event; their auditions posted on the network's web site- http://www.outdoorchannel.com , where the public could rate them. At the end of the season, five finalists compete for the grand prize-- the finalist with the greatest number of online votes is ultimately declared the winner.
New Fishing Reel reduced tangles
Doug Hannon WaveCast System Revolutionizes Spin Fishing Eliminates Tangles, Casts up to 30% Farther Odessa, FL -
Feb. 16, 2007 Doug Hannon introduces a new spinning reel design that will hit anglers like a tidal wave! The Hannon-
designed ÒWaveCast SystemÓ not only looks different from any other reel, but also performs like no other reel. The
WaveCast reel completely eliminates the possibility of a loop in the spool that leads to tangled line, and it is estimated
that more than 10% of spinning casts form a loop that most times lead to a tangled spool and birdnest snarls. The
WaveCast reel is specifically designed to work equally well with both mono and super-braid lines. The unique, patented
ÒwaveÓ design works by allowing the line to skip from peak to peak on
each ÒwaveÓ on the spool. Loops lie harmlessly down between the
waves and never engage the line during the casts, completely eliminating
snatchback and birdnests.
The WaveCast does not allow a loop to flow backward onto the spool, keeping it secure and tight against the spool face until it leaves, unnoticed, in normal sequence of the cast. As all anglers know, tangled spools result in major frustration, wasted time untangling line and re-tying lures, and more money spent on replacement line. And of course time spent untangling and re-tying is time not spent catching fish!
Another major benefit of the WaveCast reel is the ability to cast up to
30% farther than traditional spinning reels. This is accomplished because
peak- to- peak minimal spool contact produces virtually no friction as the
line comes off the spool. Since it does not offload loops, the WaveCast spool can also be filled to a higher capacity,
guaranteeing even longer casts. How WaveCast Eliminates Tangles During the retrieve, on traditional spinning reels
loops are inevitably formed when small increments of slack line are reeled onto the spool. With a standard smooth spool
these loops often crawl together forming a hair pin or even a
twisted loop that overhangs the spool lip (fig. 1). During the cast,
a high-speed, high-energy line is pulled tight against the spool lip,
engages the loop and snatches it and all the line spooled on top of
this loop off in the form of a "birdnest."
With WaveCast, as a loop forms across the face of the spool, it is forced to exit and re-enter the spool through the paths of least resistance as a single, tight loop at the base of the waves (fig. 2). In the cast, as the line skims harmlessly over the peaks of the waves, it never contacts the loops hidden safely down between the waves. Loops leave the spool unnoticed in the normal sequence of the cast and tangles are completely eliminated.
Why WaveCast Casts Farther It is a well-known fact that a high-speed boat runs faster over a wavy surface than on smooth water. When running on top of a choppy water surface (the waves), it encounters the least amount of surface friction. This allows the boat to run faster. This is because hull friction and drag with the water are minimized by contact only on the tops of the waves. The WaveCast reel is designed using this same proven principle. As the line leaves the spool during the cast, it touches only on top of each "wave peak," producing a minimum amount of friction and drag, compared with traditional smooth, round spool designs. Since virtually all friction is eliminated as the line leaves the spool, you'll enjoy longer and more accurate casts.
Doug Hannon, a world renowned angler known as The Bass Professor, is the inventor of the weedless trolling motor propellor, which revolutionalized the trolling motor industry. Hannon is an award-winning author and photographer, has had hundreds of articles published in outdoor magazines, and has appeared on an internationally syndicated TV show for more than 15 years. With a record of more than 800 bass over 10 pounds, he is considered by many as the world's greatest authority on bass fishing. Hannon's new WaveCast System represents the first significant improvement in spinning reel design in more than 50 years. The WaveCast reel will forever change and improve the sport of fishing in both fresh and saltwater. The WaveCast System will debut with a 2007 Classic Collector's Edition spinning reel at the February Bassmaster Classic in Birmingham, Alabama, and will be available for wide distribution by April 2007. Visit www.WaveCastSystem.com to enter your email address for updates and availability, and for a chance to win a FREE WaveCast reel. Catch the wave and be a part of the revolution! Website: http://www.wavecastsystem.com Suggested retail price for the WaveCast Spinning reel is $139.95.
Some additional info:
Saltwater Certified
Lightweight Graphite Body and Rotor
Stainless Steel Ball Bearings
Long Cast Aluminum Spool
Infinite Anti-reverse
Oversized Anti-twist Bail Roller
Machined Aluminum Handle with Comfort-fit Knob
Space Age Multi-Disc Front Drag System
Convertible Right- or Left-hand Retrieve
On/off Anti-reverse
Utah State Park Rangers encourage all snowmobile riders to use extreme caution and obtain an avalanche advisory before
venturing into the backcountry by calling 1-800-OHV-RIDE. Be prepared with appropriate avalanche gear and training.
Hardware Ranch
February 14: South from SR 89 along Sinks Road to Strawberry Valley and back.
February 17: South from SR 89 along Sinks Road to Govt. Springs and back.
No snow at Hardware Ranch, road to Logan Canyon is bare from the Ranch to the top of Danish Dugway. Four-wheeler
activity has taken place, but it is very muddy. Motorists are advised not to drive on road. Signs are still in place for
vehicles only over 800 lbs.
Monte Cristo
February 20: 46" of snow at Dry Bread Pond and 58" at Monte Cristo.
Grooming completed:
February 19: Arb's Basin, Mile 52 on SR 39, Wasatch Ridge, Ant Flat to Scare Canyon
February 17: Mile 52 on SR 39
February 16: Wasatch Ridge, Arb's Basin
February 15: Red Spur
February 14: Wasatch Ridge, Arbs Basin, Mile 52 on SR39
February 12: SR39
Grooming schedule:
Sunday - Cleanup & drift cutting on Hwy 39 and Ant Flat
Monday - Curtis Creek Loop
Tuesday - Snow Cat Maintenance - no grooming
Wednesday - Arb's Basin, Millie's Spring, and Ant Flat
Thursday - Curtis Creek Loop
Friday - Arb's Basin & Ant Flat
Saturday - Arb's Basin, Wasatch Ridge, and Ant Flat
Bear Lake / Logan Canyon
February 16: Amazon, Beaver Creek
February 12: Franklin Basin
No Grooming: Garden City, Tony Grove
February 14: Sinks Trail. Swan Flat
Grooming Schedule:
February 17: Amazon, Beaver Creek, Swan Flat
February 16: Franklin Basin
No grooming until more snow: Garden City, Tony Grove
February 18: Sinks Trail
Wasatch Mountain
No new report
Mirror Lake / Mill Hollow
New snow, 18-24" in high country. Moving grooming
machine to Soapstone due to low snow on the NF Trail.
Regular grooming schedule on track.
Bear River Service to Whitney
February 15: North slope received some much needed new snow. Mirror Lake area storm totals were around 18-20" and
half that at lower elevations. Riding conditions have greatly improved. All trails have been groomed.
Uintah Basin
February 15: Hwy. 191 to Iron Springs, down Taylor Mtn. as far as possible, then up Trout Creek to the yurt, and on to
Liddy Peak, and back as far as Dry Fork.
Note: Forest Service is closing all access points to four-wheel vehicles, but remain open to snowmobiles.
Scofield / Joe's Valley/Skyline Drive
Grooming schedule:
February 16: Last storm added 15-20" inches of good wet snow to most places.
February 20: North Skyline has 25" of snow at the trailhead at Fairview top. Trail was last groomed February 13. Fish
Creek Ridge has 25" of snow. Trail was last groomed, February 13.
February 20: Tucker/Starvation/Pondtown have 15-20" of snow at the trailheads and 25"of snow on top. All trails were
last groomed February 13. Pondtown has some marked dangerous hazards about three miles up from the trailhead. Parts
of the Starvation/Tucker trails have not been groomed yet due to lack of snow.
February 17: Miller's Flat has 29" of snow. Joe's Valley has 12-19" of snow at the lower trailhead and 29"of snow at
Middle Mt. The trail has not been groomed yet.
Mt. Nebo
Grooming completed:
February 15: Very little new snow down low, better at higher elevations. There is about 8 inches of new snow on top
around the Santaquin Overlook. It was groomed from the Payson side up until the Monument (Mona Pole Rd).
Ephraim / Manti / Twelve-Mile
See regular grooming schedule at http://www.snowut.com
Cedar Mountain / East Fork
No new snow.
No new snow.
Ice is melting at many lakes and reservoirs, please use extreme caution.
Bear Lake State Park Marina: Frozen, ice 8"
Deer Creek State Park: Frozen
East Canyon State Park: Melting quickly
Wide Hollow at Escalante State Park: Mostly frozen, melting
Great Salt Lake State Park Marina: Launch ramp open, 26 degrees
Gunlock State Park: Launch ramp open, 48 degrees
Huntington State Park: Frozen, ice 6-10"
Hyrum Lake State Park: Frozen, ice 9"
Jordanelle State Park: Mostly frozen, melting
Millsite State Park: Frozen, ice 6-10"
Otter Creek State Park: Frozen, ice 8-10"
Palisade State Park: Frozen, ice 6"
Piute State Park: Frozen, 12+"
Quail Creek State Park: Launch ramp open, 48 degrees
Red Fleet State Park: Frozen, ice 12+"
Rockport State Park: Frozen, ice 8-12"
Sand Hollow State Park: Launch ramp open, 48 degrees
Scofield State Park: Frozen, ice 12"
Starvation State Park: Frozen, ice 12+"
Steinaker State Park: Frozen, ice 12+"
Utah Lake State Park: Melting, some open water
Willard Bay State Park: Some ice
Yuba State Park: Frozen, ice 3-8", thickness and conditions change quickly
Strawberry: Frozen, ice 12-15"
Flaming Gorge: Mostly frozen, ice 0-18"
***Please call 621-7595 to pre-register for classes.
***The Ogden Nature Center is located at 966 W. 12th Street, in Ogden.
***For more information, please call the Ogden Nature Center at 621-7595.
Photographs in Nature
Thursday, March 8 / 6:30 pm
$5 for members / $6 for nonmembers
Ages 12 to adult
Please RSVP by Tuesday, March 6
Instructor Jay Hudson
Learn how the techniques of art appreciation and graphic design can be applied to photography. Learn to use converging
lines, the theory of threes, repetition, rhythm, use of triangles, patterns and the center of focus. Examples will be shown
and critiques made. See the difference in your travel, nature and other photos.
Nature Drawing Series
Saturdays: March 3, 10, 17, 24
10 am to 1 pm
$135 for members / $150 for nonmembers
For adults / limited to 12 participants
Please call ahead to reserve your spot by February 23
Supply list will be provided upon registration.
Michael Calles, local nature artist, will share his techniques and love of the outdoors to teach basic art skills. Throughout
the course of four weeks youšll create a drawing of your choice under Michaelšs tutelage. With a master of Fine Arts from
Utah State University, Michael was featured in Southwest Art Magazine as an artist to watch.
Nature Babies
Preschool Program
March 16th 9:30 am, 11 am, 1 pm
March 20th 9:30 am, 11 am
Ages 3-5 / $3 per child / chaperones are free
Dance and sing into spring with animal antics. Listen to stories, do finger-plays, and explore the world of baby animals
and plants in springtime. Please call to pre-register.
Springtime Song Birds
Thursday, March 22 / 6 pm
Ages 6 to adult (great for families!)
FREE / Please RSVP by Tuesday, March 20
Learn how to identify birds and bird nests in your own backyard. Learn about the fledging process and what to do if you
find a baby bird. You will also learn about volunteer opportunities related to caring for orphaned or injured birds at the
Ogden Nature Center.
Tuesday, March 27 / 5:30 pm
adults / FREE
Marchšs book discussion will be about Yosemite by John Muir. Refreshments
will be provided.
Eggstravagant Eggs
Childrenšs Craft
Saturday, March 31 / 10 am
$5 for members / $6 for nonmembers
Ages 6+
Show your creativity while decorating blown eggs for spring. All materials provided. Please call to pre-register by
Thursday, March 29.
Baby Bird Basics
Saturday, March 31 / 1 pm
Ages 12 to adult (great for families!)
FREE / Please register by Thursday, March 29
Over 700 wild birds needing care and rehabilitation come to the Ogden Nature Center each year. Through the efforts of
countless volunteers, the majority of these birds are returned back to the wild. If you want to help care for baby birds this
required class will give you all the information you need to get started. Come make a difference! Taught by Wildlilfe
Specialist, DaLyn Erickson.
AAA Travel Marks 60 Years with Free Trip to Germany
SALT LAKE CITY, February 20, 2007 - How's this for a bargain: A flight from New York to London, only $5,650 and it takes just 13 hours to get there.
That's what you had in store if you were traveling in 1946. Fortunately, 60 years later you can find a much better deal and get where you're going a lot faster.
Today, few leisure travel experts have the experience that comes from keeping pace with changing trends over six decades. AAA Travel has been there and done that for 60 years. The organization was founded as the All-Inclusive Worldwide Travel Bureau of the California State Automobile Association in 1946 in response to a request from the U.S. State Department to help promote tourism to rebuild the European economy after the Second World War.
Within a few years, AAA members were booking trips all over the world, visiting destinations in Europe, the Middle East and South America. Over the years, the agency evolved along with the rest of the leisure travel industry and is now known as AAA Travel.
To mark the occasion, AAA Travel of Northern California, Nevada and Utah is giving away a free nine-day trip for two to Germany from Insight Vacations. You can enter to win the deluxe vacation and other prizes online at http://www.aaa.com/60th .
"A lot has changed in 60 years," said Rolayne Fairclough, spokeswoman for AAA Travel. "What remains consistent is the value of having an experienced professional plan your trip."
AAA Travel Facts: Then and Now
ˇ Plane from New York to London
1946: $5,650*
2007: $477-$4,801
ˇ Travel Time New York to London (by plane)
1946: 13 hours
2007: 6 hours, 40 minutes
ˇ Plane from New York to San Francisco
1946: $1,417-$1,797*
2007: $253-$1,149
ˇ Train from New York to San Francisco
1946: $755*
2007: $308
ˇ Cruise from New York to London (1st class)
1946: $4,251*
2007: $3,907
ˇ Annual number of people flying from US to Europe
1946: 100,000
2007: 13 million (estimate)
*adjusted for inflation
AAA Travel is the nation's largest travel organization. AAA Travel offers trips, cruises, tours and vacation packages
throughout the world.
AAA Utah offers a wide array of automotive, travel, insurance and financial services to more than 150,000 members. AAA has been a leader and advocate for the safety and security of all travelers since it was founded more than 100 years ago.
Howdy from Ryan Shupe & the RubberBand!
We are performing Feb 23 (this Friday) in Logan, UT at the Utah State University Kent Concert Hall
the show starts at 8:00 PM
With special guests Heyward Wake This event is sponsored by the LDS Institute and they have made the ticket price an
extrememly affordable $4
Call 435.797.0305 for tickets!
This will be a great concert that we have done in the past and look forward to doing again!
Also, Mar 30, we will be performing in Duncan, OK at the Simmons Center Theater the show starts at 7:00 PM
for more info check out http://www.simmonscenter.com
Interlaken prepares for an extreme sports onslaught from 28th June to 1st July 2007
Interlaken, 19th February 2007 - The Nissan Outdoor Games by Columbia will be back in the area of Interlaken this summer for four days of high performance action entirely dedicated to outdoor extreme sports, running from 28th June to 1st July. The gods of Olympia will have no choice but to step up to the plate as the best mountain bike, kayak, paragliding, base jumping and climbing athletes in the world come together to take part in these Extreme Sports Olympics for the third consecutive year!
The inhabitants of Interlaken still can't get over the news! For the last
three years, the tourist commune of Oberland in the Bern region will have
played host to hordes of young athletes as they take over the neighbouring
rivers, forests, mountains and even skies at the beginning of every
summer. The Outdoor Games have again chosen the idyllic setting around
the Jungfrau for this special occasion, held between 28th June and 1st July
At a time when extreme sports have never been more fashionable and the desire to experience the great outdoors reaches new levels, the organisers of this newly baptised Nissan Outdoor Games by Columbia have known exactly what to do to create yet another innovative and unique event. These modern-day Games will be made up of two distinct challenges: traditional format contests, but also a short film competition. Like other years, the 5 selected teams will be asked to present a short film of around 5 minutes long of their high performance exploits. Accompanied by one cameraman and one video editor of their choice, this is where these world-class athletes are given the opportunity to express the true nature of their respective high-pressure sports as they gather footage over the course of the five days. These five short films will then be presented to a panel of judges made up of athletes, film directors and journalists and the mind-blowing action projected onto a big screen in the main square of Interlaken for the general public's viewing pleasure.
At the end of the five days, the athletes, warmed up from their short films will be ready to do
battle man-on-man and offer all onlookers the best breath-taking, high performance action! There
will be countless mountain bike, kayak and climbing competitions from 28th June to 1st July. Plus
this year two new noteworthy top-level competitions will include the Swiss climbing
championships on Friday 29th June, followed by a world-class climbing contest (Boulder Master
UIAA) the day after. Two kayak competitions will also unfold on the Saturday and Sunday. And if
that wasn't enough excitement and action, there will be numerous basejumping, paragliding and
Speed Flying demonstrations. This year the total prize money for the event is 60'000 CHF.
Organisers are again expecting a mass turnout from the public for a full-on great outdoors extravaganza. The main contest site will be based at the Stadthaus Platz for the length of the event. Visitors will find food and drink stands, of variety of other animations, a big screen, a mountain bike launch pad and climbing wall all on location. The official, main contests will also all take place within this main square. During the opening ceremony on Thursday 28th June, the internationally renowned athletes will be introduced to the public, followed by a big party on the Saturday night for the presentation of the short film competition. Finally, on the Sunday the prize giving ceremony will bring the week's heated action to a close after the last kayak contest on this final day of competition. Test centres will welcome and encourage even the most timid onlookers to take their first steps into the great outdoors throughout the Nissan Outdoor Games by Columbia.
Reel Recovery Fund Raiser on Target
Here's a list of silent and live auction items we have gathered for the Reel Recovery fund-raiser event March 4 at Trio. Tickets are $40. Some great guided trips and rods will be up for grabs. Lots of other items for outdoors lifestyle folks. Proceeds will help send 24 men with cancer on a 3-day fly-fishing retreat to Falcon's Ledge. Stonefly has already committed a nice chunk of change to the cause. It's not too late to donate something. Please share this information with family and friends who love to fish, who have been impacted by cancer or both.
Call or send an e-mail with questions
Brett Prettyman
One day guided trip for two with Steve Schmidt of Western Rivers
One day guided trip with Trout Creek Flies on the Green
Hell's Canyon custom built fly rod
XCalibur custom built fly rod
Orvis Western2 stillwater fly rod - from the United Kingdom
Sage "Pink" fly rod
2 nights lodging/2 days guided fishing at Red River Ranch
Three nights lodging for two and a dinner from Red Canyon Lodge
One day guided fly fishing trip for two from Trout Bum 2
Two half day guided trips with Mark Stevenson or Doug Askleson through Fish Tech
Three days/two nights at the High Lonesome Ranch in Colorado
His and hers waders from Patagonia
Various clothing from Patagonia
One night lodging at the Cliff and 2 all-day ski passes
3 rod/reel combos from Hendrix Outdoors
Lance Armstrong autographed picture
Basketball autographed by Utah Jazz
Baseball autographed from the 2006 Salt Lake Bees
Oakley sunglasses and watches low prices.
Various Coleman camping gear
2 Box of flies from Lance Egan
Fly tying or fly fishing class from Mickey Anderson at Fish Tech
Swiss Army Briefcase
2 Black Diamond Zenix IQ headlamps
REI Traverse Daypack
REI Half Dome 2HC tent
Thomas & Thomas 40 percent discount certificate
Women's fishing clothing from Western Rivers
Autorgraphed book from Mt. Everest summit record holder (16) Apa Sherpa
Gear from Karma store
2 Large screen televisions
more to come......
Brett Prettyman
Outdoor writer
Salt Lake Tribune
Utah Lawmakers Approve Funding for Summer "Life Elevated" Ad Campaign
Salt Lake City * The Utah Office of Tourism will launch its spring/summer "Life Elevated" advertising campaign this
month now that the Utah Legislature has passed a bill to fund the state's out-of-state marketing efforts. Governor Jon M.
Huntsman, Jr. signed S.B. 127, sponsored by Senator Scott Jenkins and Representative David Clark, into law this week.
The measure provides an appropriation of $3 million from the General Fund to the Marketing Performance Account for
Utah's advertising, marketing, and branding campaign and for promotion of the state. It's a one-time appropriation for the
current 2006-07 fiscal year.
"We appreciate the quick response from legislative leaders and the governor that will allow us to get our print and
broadcast 'Life Elevated' ads in targeted markets early this year," said Jason Perry, executive director of the Governor's
Office of Economic Development, the lead agency of the state's tourism office. "The bill fixes a glitch that prevented the
transfer of funds from a restricted account."
"This will give Utah the ability and continuity to build on the momentum we created when we launched our new brand
last spring," said Leigh von der Esch, managing director of the Utah Office of Tourism. "An early launch of the warm
weather campaign focusing on outdoor recreation will particularly benefit rural Utah."
Utah's summer campaign will include television spots on network stations in Denver and Los Angeles, as well as on
targeted cable stations. Print ads promoting Utah's recreational opportunities will run in the New York Times, and in a
variety of travel magazines, including Outside, National Geographic Adventure, Sunset, Delta Sky, and Western Living.
The campaign also includes Internet ads that can be found on various travel-related websites such as Away Network,
TripAdvisor, Yahoo, and http://www.Concierge.com .
Salt Lake City, Utah -- The Trust Lands Administration and the Department of Natural Resources have entered into a new
agreement to continue to allow public hunting, trapping, fishing, and viewing of public wildlife on approximately 3.2
million acres of Utah trust lands while providing fair compensation to Utah's schoolchildren and other trust beneficiaries.
The agreement is for a 10-year term beginning September 1, 2007, continuing through September 1, 2016.
In addition to providing public access on trust lands, the Trust Lands Administration has agreed to not:
ˇ join in any Cooperative Wildlife Management Unit for the life of the agreement
ˇ enter into any agreement, lease, or contract that would preclude hunting, trapping, fishing, and viewing of public wildlife
The Trust Lands Administration:
ˇ will continue to have jurisdiction and regulatory authority over trust lands
ˇ can continue to pursue revenue generating activities on trust lands
ˇ can continue to lease or sell trust lands
If the Trust Lands Administration sells or leases certain large blocks of trust land, the payment made by the Department of
Natural Resources to Trust Lands will be reduced by specified amounts.
"I believe we have an accord that serves two worthy purposes * public access to premium hunting and recreational lands
and fair compensation to the beneficial owners of those lands," says Kevin Carter, Director of the School and Institutional
Trust Lands Administration. "I am pleased with the outstanding effort the Department of Natural Resources and the
Division of Wildlife Resources have devoted to this arrangement."
"We are pleased with this new agreement. It represents a fair balance between the interests of the Trusts Lands
Administration and DNR," says Mike Styler, DNR Executive Director. "The agreement preserves these critical wildlife
habitats and keeps them open to hunters, fishers and other wildlife enthusiasts."
Great Ice Fishing: It's Waiting for You at Utah's High Mountain Lakes
If you're looking for a fun late-winter ice fishing trip, consider heading into Utah's "high country."
Right now is the perfect time to fish for brook trout, cutthroat trout and even some grayling at Utah's high mountain lakes.
"We have literally hundreds of small lakes and reservoirs in the Uinta Mountains - and other mountains across the state -
that have great trout fisheries," says Ed Johnson, a fisheries biologist for the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. "These
lakes have a variety of fish, including brook trout, Colorado River and Bonneville cutthroat trout, and even grayling.
Many of these lakes are accessible by snowmobiles or skis, and they can make an excellent ice fishing outing during the winter."
Johnson not only talks about fishing the high lakes: he gets out and does it himself.
"A group of us fished one of the high lakes on the northeastern corner of the Uintas in
late January," Johnson says.
"First, we had great fun just getting there by snowmobile. The last few miles, we
broke our own trail.
"Once on the lake, we rigged up and were catching fish within a few minutes. On this
trip, our group caught three species of fish: a few rainbows, a Colorado River
cutthroat and a bunch of brook trout. Some of these fish were up to two pounds."
"We mostly used small, light-colored jigs tipped with a meal worm or a piece of night
crawler," Johnson says. "I think the bait was probably more important than the size or
the color of the jig. The placement of the hole made a difference too. Some of us had
fish right off, while others had to drill a few holes before finding a good spot."
Johnson has a few tips for the adventurous anglers heading to these high mountain lakes.
"Take the time to get everything ready, so you go prepared." Johnson says. "This
includes your equipment, as well as food, proper clothing and emergency supplies for
"Also, don't forget to make sure that your transportation is in good working order, and let someone at home know where
you are going and when you should be back. On our last trip, we had two snowmobiles break down. Fortunately we had a
good mechanic [with us] who was able to quickly replace the belts and get the snowmobiles back on the trail.
"Ice fishing should also be fun," Johnson says. "That means staying warm, so bring good boots and layers of warm
clothing. Having a warm drink or food can also add to your enjoyment. Our group brought thermos bottles of warm drinks
and a couple of small, portable butane stoves to heat up cans of soup."
Finally, remember that when the first person in your party starts to get cold, it's time to leave.
"It's better to leave early than risk being cold in the mountains," Johnson says. "I've taken my kids on trips like this, and
it's better to leave while they are still having fun rather than stretching it out just to catch a few more fish.
"If they remember the fun rather than the agony, they will be much more willing to go out again."
For more information about fishing Utah's high mountain lakes, contact the nearest Division of Wildlife Resources office
or the DWR's Salt Lake City office at (801) 538-4700.
Warm Winter Forces Early Closure at Hardware Ranch
Feb. 12 closure one of the earliest on record
Hyrum -- The Hardware Ranch Wildlife Management Area hosted a near-record number of visitors in December.
Now, just six weeks later, warm weather has forced the staff at the ranch to close its winter elk-viewing season early.
The winter elk-viewing season at the ranch east of Hyrum closed Feb. 12. That's more than a month earlier than normal.
"We've had a strange winter," says Dan Christensen, the WMA's superintendent. "Last week, after five days with
afternoon temperatures near 50 degrees and bare ground, the elk on the meadow headed back to the high country."
Christensen says this is one of the earliest closings on record at Hardware Ranch, where the winter season usually runs
until mid-March. During a typical three-month winter season, as many as 50,000 visitors come to the ranch to ride in
horse-drawn sleighs among several hundred elk that are fed in a large meadow area.
"Like many of the ski areas and other winter operations in Utah, the really poor snow conditions, coupled with frigid
temperatures, hurt us in January," Christensen says. "After that, we just never got most of the storms that dropped snow
along the Wasatch Front."
The other problem at the ranch is thick, sticky mountain mud. The spring melt caused by higher than normal
temperatures, coupled with a few days of rain, have made it impossible to pull wagons full of passengers through the
meadow. When the ranch's staff did take passengers through the meadow recently, the weight of the wagons cut deep ruts
in the ground and the mud bound clumps of hay to the wagons' wheels.
"People are asking if we'll reopen this season," Christensen says.
"Without snow and subzero temperatures, there's really no
reason for the elk to come back or stay here. And without the elk,
there's not enough up here for people to see this time of the year."
Spring, Summer and Fall
When asked what will happen next at the ranch, Christensen
rattled off a list of chores.
"We would rather be doing the rides, but with the ambitious
schedule of education programs and habitat improvement
initiatives at Hardware Ranch, we'll just change direction and
start working on these other items a little sooner," he says.
"We have education programs scheduled through the end of February, and in March we start the first full season of an
exciting new education partnership with the Bear River Bird Refuge in Brigham City."
Other chores on the list include getting ready to turn nearly 1,000 cattle onto Hardware Ranch in April as part of a range
improvement study; completing a water development project funded by the Mule Deer Foundation; building nearly 10
miles of fence along the ranch's boundaries; hosting summer handcart treks; changing and adding displays in the ranch's
visitor center, using money provided by the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation; and completing a year-long maintenance
program designed to bolster the ranch's aging facilities.
"We may be closed to the general public for a while, but we do a lot of things up here with various groups throughout the
year," Christensen says.
For more information, call the Hardware Ranch WMA at (435) 753-6206 or visit the ranch's Web site at
http://www.hardwareranch.com .
Moab, Jeeps and Skinny Tires
Spring comes early to the desert canyons of southern Utah. Our northern mountains are white and skiers are praying for new powder, but our southern red rock is warming up nicely and wildflowers are starting to poke through the sand.
With daytime temperatures pushing into the mid-60s, even warmer on some days, this is a very pleasant time to hike, bike, ride horses and jeep our low-elevation trails.
The Moab area in particular will offer great recreational opportunities during the next few weeks as several major events come to town. Whether you are a participant or spectator, this is a fun time to be in Moab.
Skinny Tire Festival
March 2-5: The annual Moab Skinny Tire Festival is one of America's
premier road bike events. Moab is best known for slickrock mountain
biking, but during this festival cyclists will peddle along paved roads
through classic canyon country scenery (Arches National Park, along the
Colorado River and up to Dead Horse Point) to help support the Lance
Armstrong Foundation.
Canyonlands Half Marathon & Five Mile Run
March 17: This will be the 32nd annual Canyonlands Half Marathon and
Five Mile Run. It is Moab's most popular running event, with a route that
follows Scenic Byway 128 along the mighty Colorado River.
Moab 12 Hour Adventure Race
March 24: In this AdventureXstream Series event, solo athletes as well as
teams will mountain bike, trek, paddle, rappel and navigate a 50-60 mile course
through the rugged country around Moab.
Annual Jeep Safari
March 31-April 8: The Easter Jeep Safari consists of trail rides, mostly day long
trips, departing from Moab throughout the week. The official event is hosted by the
Red Rock 4-Wheelers Inc. the local four wheel drive club of Moab. Participants
provide their own four wheel drive vehicle, food and supplies.
The club officially runs approximately 9 different trails every day, with "Big Saturday" culminating in the largest ever single trail ride departure happening - around 30 groups line up in downtown Moab to head off in every direction for 30 different trails! Pre-registration for this event is recommended, although limited registration at the event may be possible.
The Jeep Safari is a huge event that draws thousand of participants and spectators. Campgrounds will be crowded and most motels will be booked solid. The town will be lively, even late into the night. If you want to be there, book early.
After the Jeep Safari things will settle down a bit - it will again be possible to find a motel room - but the opportunity for outdoor adventure will continue to increase. River trips will begin in earnest in May. Late May and early June usually bring high river flows, creating the most exciting whitewater trips through Cataract and other legendary canyons. Right now is the time to book river trips.
Moab will be a happening town during the next few weeks.